1. A.I.C.C. Economic Review

2. AAPG Bulletin


4. ABGILA : Annals, Bulletin and Granthalaya of the Indian Library Association

5. Abhandlunge Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Hambgischen Universitat

6. Abhandlungen Der Deutschen Akademie Der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Klasse fur chemie, Geologie and Biologie

7. Abhiruchi

8. ABN Correspondence

9. Abstracting Journal of Mechanics

10. Abstracting Service.

11. Abstracts and Index of Articles.

12. Abstracts of Declassified Documents

13. Abstracts of English Studies

14. Abstracts of Soviet Medicine

15. Abstracts of World Medicine

16. Abstracts of Reports.

17. Accent

18. Accident: analysis and prevention: an international Journal

19. Accountancy

20. Accounts of chemical research

21. Acharya

22. A I D Research and Development Abstract

23. ACM Transactions On Database Systems

24. ACM Transactions On Mathematical Software

25. Acta Anatomica

26. Acta Arithmatica

27. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis

28. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica

29. Acta Biologica , Nova Series

30. Acta Biologica Paranaense Parana

31. Acta Botanica Neerlandica

32. Acta Embryologiae Et Morphogiae Experimentalis

33. Acta Embryologiae Et Morphologiae Experimentalis

34. Acta Embryologiae Experimentalis [continued from ActaEmbryologiae Et Morphologie Experimentalis

35. Acta Informatica

36. Acta Mathematica, Academiae Scientiarum Hugaricae

37. Acta Mathematica Sinica

38. Acta Mathematica Zeischrift (Journal)

39. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandinavica

40. Acta Palaebotanica

41. Acta pathologica et microbiologica

42. Acta Pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica

43. Acta Physica

44. Acta Physiologica

45. Acta Physiologica et pharmacologica Neerlandica

46. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum

47. Acta Zoologica

48. Actualities Pharmacologiques

49. Adelphi Papers

50. Adhyapak

51. Adibasi

52. Administration

53. Administration and Society

54. Administrative Change

55. Administrative Science Quarterly

56. Adolescence

57. Adult And Continuing Education Today

58. Adult Education

59. Adult Education [Formerly Known as Journal Of Adult Education]

60. Advance Abstracts of contributions on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in India

61. Advance: QUARTERLY

62. Advancement of science

63. Advances in Applied Probability

64. Advances in Applied Probability

65. Advances in Developing Human Resources

66. Advances In Mathematics

67. Advances In Physical Sciences

68. Advances in Physics

69. Advertising Marketing

70. African Diary

71. African Literature Today

72. African Recorder

73. African Studies

74. Afro-Asian and World Affairs.

75. Afro-Asian economic review.

76. Ageing and Society

77. Agency for international development research abstract

78. Agra University Bulletin

79. Agra University Journal of Research

80. Agra University Journal of research: science

81. Agricultural and biological chemistry [formerly bulletin of The agricultural chemical society of Japan]

82. Agricultural Meteorology: An International journal

83. Agricultural Research Institute Pusa

84. Agriculture Static’s of India

85. Ahar

86. Air Transportation

87. Aitihasik Lekha Sangraha

88. Ajanta

89. Ajkal

90. Akashavani

91. Akshara

92. Aksharvaidarbhi

93. Akzente:Zeitschrift fur Literatur

94. ALA Bulletin

95. Algebra Universalis

96. Aligarh Journal of English Studies

97. All England Law Reports

98. All England Law Reports

99. All England Law Reports

100. All England Law Reports :consolidated Index and Table of Cases

101. All India Reporter

102. Allahabad Law Journal: Diamond Jubilee Souvenir, 1966.

103. Allahabad University Magazine

104. Allahabad University Studies

105. Alochana

106. Alternatives: a Journal of World Policy

107. American Academy of Political and Social Science

108. American Anthropologist

109. American association for the advancement of science

110. American Association OF Economic Entomologists Menasha Wisconsin

111. American Bar Association Journal

112. American Behavioral Scientist

113. American Bryologist Society

114. American chemical society. Easton PA

115. American chemical society, Washington.

116. American Documentation

117. American economic review

118. American Educational Research Journal

119. American Ethnologist

120. American Fern Society

121. American Heritage

122. American Historical Review

123. American Journal of Acupuncture

124. American Journal of Anatomy

125. American Journal of Botany

126. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

127. American Journal of clinical Nutrition

128. American Journal of Comparative Law

129. American Journal of Human Genetics

130. American Journal of International Law

131. American Journal of Mathematics

132. American Journal of Medical Sciences

133. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

134. American Journal of Physical Anthropology

135. American Journal of Physics

136. American journal of Political Science

137. American Journal of Preventive Medicine

138. American Journal of Psychology

139. American Journal of Psychology (Index)

140. American Journal of Public Health and Nations Health

141. American Journal of Sociology

142. American Literature

143. American Mathematical Monthly

144. American Mineralogist

145. American Naturalist

147. American Philosophical Quarterly

148. American Physiological Society

149. American Political Science Review

150. American Political Science Review

151. American Psychologist

152. American Scholar

153. American Scientist

155. American Society of Association Executives Journal

156. American Sociological Review

157. American Statistician

158. American Zoologist

160. Amrita

161. Amrut

162. Anais De Microbiologia

163. Analysis

165. Analyst: International analytical science Journal

166. Analytica chimica acta

167. Analytical Chemistry

168. Analytical communication

169. Anatomical Record

170. Anatomical Record

171. Anatomischer Anzeiger

172. Ancient India

173. Ancient Science of Life

174. Angewandte chemie

175. Anglia Zeitschrift Fur Englische Philologie

176. Animal Research and Development

177. Animals

178. Anjomas-e-Farhangian-e-Iran E-Bastan

179. Annalen Der Physik 7th Series.

180. Annales academiae scientiarum fennicae: Mathematica Dissertations Series A

181. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae: Series A

182. Annales bogoriences

183. Annales De Geographie

184. Annales De L Institute Fourier

185. Annales de Parasitologie

186. Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science

187. Annals of American Statistical Association

188. Annals of applied biology

189. Annals of Association of American Geographers

190. Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

191. Annals of Botany

192. Annals of Economic and Social Measurement

193. Annals of Entomological Society of America

194. Annals of Euqenics: Journal devoted to Genetic study of Human populations.

195. Annals Of Geomorphology

196. Annals of Human Genetics

197. Annals of Indian Library Association

198. Annals of Library Science and Documentation [Formerly Annals of Library Science]

199. Annals of Library Science [Title Changed as Annals of Library Science and Documentation]

200. Annals of Mathematics

201. Annals of New York academy of sciences

202. Annals of Oriental Research

203. Annals of Physics

204. Annals of Probability

205. Annals of Science

206. Annals of Science

207. Annals of Statistics

208. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

209. Annals of the Association of American Geographers

210. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

211. Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science

212. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden

213. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology

214. Annals of Zoology

215. Annals Scientifiques De L'ecole Normale Superieure

216. Annotated Bibliography of Medical Mycology

217. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology

218. Annual Bulletin of the Nagpur University Historical Society

219. Annual review of Biochemistry

220. Annual Review of Microbiology

221. Annual Review of Nuclear Science

222. Annual review of physical chemistry

223. Annual Review of Physiology

224. Annual Review of Phytopathology

225. Annual Review of Plant Physiology

226. Annual Review Of Psychology

227. Annual Review of United Nations Affairs

228. Annual review of biochemistry

229. Antara Bharati

230. Antarnad

231. Antenna: Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society of London

232. Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter

233. Anthropological Forum

234. Anthropologischer

235. Anthropology News Letter

236. Anthropos:Interntional Review of ethnology and Linguistics

237. Anti-Cancer Drug Design

238. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

239. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

240. Antioch review.

241. Antiseptic a monthly medical journal

242. Antonie van leeuwen-Hoek:Journal of Microbiology

243. Anubandha

244. Anuvad

245. Appendix to Epigraphia Indica and record of archaeological

Survey of India

246. Application of Surface Science

247. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

248. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

249. Applied catalysis: an international journal devoted to

Catalytic science and its application

250. Applied Geography and Development

251. Applied Optics

252. Applied Physics Letters

253. Applied Psychological Measurement

254. Applied radiation and isotopes: International journal of Radiation application and instrumentation part A

255. Applied Sciences and Development

256. Applied Statistics

257. Appropriate Technology

258. Aquatic Ecology

259. Arabian Journal for science and Engineering

260. Aranya Pandit

261. Architectural Design

262. Architectural Forum: Magazine of Building

263. Archiv Der Mathematik

264. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie

265. Archive for Rational Mechanics And Analysis

266. Archives and Manuscrifts

267. Archives Europeennes De Sociologie (European Journal Of Sociology)

268. Archives Internationales De Physiologie Et De Biochimie

269. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

270. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

271. Archives of internal medicine

272. Archivo Medico Da India: journal mensal de sciencias medicas e pharmacia

273. Archivum Linguisticum

274. Ariel: a review of international English Literature

275. Aristotelian Society proceedings of. London

276. Aristotelian Society

277. Aristotelian Society

278. Aristotelian Society. proceeding of London

279. Arkiv For Fysik:Utgivet Av Kungl Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien

280. Armed Forces

281. Armed Forces And Society

282. Armed Forces Medical Journal

283. Army

284. Art and Craft In Education

285. Art Foundation

286. Artha Vidnyana

287. Artha Vikas

288. Articles Of The Week

289. Arya Dharma

290. Aryabhishak

291. Aryan Path

292. Arzneimittel Forschung

293. Asia Major

294. Asia pacific journal of human resources

295. Asia-Pacific Population Journal

296. Asian Bibliography E-Scap Library

297. Asian Economic and Social Review

298. Asian Economic Review

299. Asian Economics Seoul

300. Asian journal of communication

301. Asian Outlook

302. Asian Perspective

303. Asian Recorder

304. Asian Review: Art and Letters

305. Asian Studies

306. Asian Survey

308. Asiatic Review

309. Asiatick Researches

310. Aslib Information

311. ASLIB Proceedings

312. Asmitadarsha

313. Association for symbolic logic, lnc

314. Association Internationale Des Universite's Bulletine

315. Astrological Magazine

316. Astrophysical Journal: Index

317. Astrophysical Journal: International Review of Spectroscopy and Astronomical Physics

318. AT&T Laboratories Technical Journal [formerly Knwen asBellSystem Technical journal]

Title Changed as AT&T Technical Jr.

319. AT & T Technical journal [Formerly Known as AT & T Laboratories Technical Journal]

320. Athashri

321. Athletic Journal

322. ATOM

323. Audio-Visual Language Journal

324. Audio Visual Librarian

325. Audyogik Maharashtra

326. AUMLA

327. Aurobindo

328. Aurobindo

329. Aushtubha

330. Aussin Poltik

331. Australasian journal of Philosophy

332. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics

333. Australian Geographer

334. Australian Journal of Botany

335. Australian journal of chemistry

336. Australian Journal of Political Science

337. Australian Journal Of Psychology

338. Australian Journal of Statistics

339. Australian Journal of Zoology

340. Australian Law Journal

341. Australian Law Journal Reports

342. Australian Letters

343. Australian Quarterly

344. Australian Rationalist.

345. Australian University

346. Automatica: The Journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control

347. Automation

348. Automation and Remote Control

349. Atomic News Digest

350. Av Communication Review

351. Avion: monthly on Aviation

352. AYU

353. Ayurved Patrika

354. Ayurvidya

355. Babel: Revue International de La Traduction

356. Bahushruta

357. Balabodha

358. Balasumitra

359. Banaras Law Journal

360. Bank of Baroda Weekly review.

361. Bank of India bulletin

362. Baprakhumadevivaru

363. Barhampur Journal of English Studies

364. Bee World London

365. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments And Computers

366. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers: A journal of the psychonomic


367. Behavioral Science

368. Behavior: International Journal of Comparative Ethnology

369. Behavioral Sciences And Community Development

370. Behavioral Sciences And Rural Development: Half-yearly

journal of National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad

371. Beijing Review

372. Beilsteins handbuch der organischen chemie.

373. Beilsteins Handbuch der Organischon chemie

374. Bell System Technical Journal [Title Changed AT & TLaboratories Technical journal]

[AT &T Technical Journal]

375. Bengal Past and Present

376. Berichte

377. Bernoulli

378. Beyond Friendship

379. Bhagavadgita.

380. Bhala

381. Bharaiya Itihas Ani Sanskriti

382. Bharat Itihas Sanshodhak Mandal Quarterly

383. Bharati

384. Bharatiya Sahitya

385. Bharatiya Sangit

386. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

387. Bhart Vani

388. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Bulletin

389. Bhasha

390. Bhasha

391. Bhasha ani jivan

392. Bhavan's Journal

393. Bhishagvilasa

394. Bible

395. Bible Translator

396. Bibliography of Indian Fisheries

397. Bibliography of Indian Zoology

398. Bibliography of scientific publications of south and S.E.Asia.

399. Bibliography of scientific publications of south and S.E.Asia

400. Bibliography of Current Reports

401. Bibliotheca Phycologica

402. Bihar Theatre

403. Biology and Philosophy

404. Bio-vigyanam : journal of life sciences

405. Biochemical education

406. Biochemical education

407. Biochemical Journal

408. Biochemistry

409. Biochemistry.

410. Bioessays

411. Biographical memories of the fellows of the Royal society

412. Biologia Chronica Botanica

413. Biologica

414. Biological Abstracts

415. Biological Abstracts Subject in Context

416. Biological Bulletin

417. Biological reviews

418. Biological Stain Commission: Stain Technology: Journal of microtechnic

419. Biological Stain Commission. Stain Technology: journal for microtechnic and histochemistry.

420. Biology education

421. Biometals

422. Biometrics

423. Biometrika : Journal for Statistical Study of Biological


424. Bimolecular engineering

425. Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters,

426. Bioresearch Index

427. Bioresearch Titles

428. Biovigyanam : Journal of Life Science

429. BIT: Computer Science, Numerical Mathematics

430. Blast: Review of the great English vortex

431. Blumea: A journal of plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography

432. Boletin de la academia de ciencias fisicas Mathematicasy naturales

433. Bombay Cooperative Quarterly

434. Bombay Geographical Magazine

435. Bombay Government Gazette

436. Bombay Law Reporter Journal

437. Bombay Legislative Assembly Debates

438. Bombay Legislative Council Database

439. Bombay Market

440. Bombay Psychologist: Journal Of The Bombay Psychological Association

441. Bombay Quarterly Review

442. Botanica

443. Botanica

444. Botanica Marina

445. Botanical Abstracts

446. Botanical Gazette

447. Botanical Magazine: General Indexes to Plants

448. The Botanical Review

449. Botanical Review

450. Botanical Society of British Isles

451. Botanique

452. Boyce Thompson Institute

453. Brahmana

454. Brahmana

455. Brahmavadin

456. Brahmavadin: Fortnightly Religious and Philosophical Journal

457. Brahmavidya

458. British Abstract of Medical Sciences

459. British Book News

460. British Fern Gazette

461. British Herpetological Society Bulletin

462. British Journal for Philosophy of Science

463. British journal for the Philosophy of Science

464. British journal of aesthetics

465. British Journal Of Clinical Psychology [formerly known as British Journal Of Social And Clinical Psychology

466. British Journal of Criminology: Delinquency and Deciant Social Behavior (Continued from British journal of Delinquency)

467. British Journal Of Educational Psychology

468. British Journal Of Educational Studies

469. British Journal of Herpetology

470. British Journal Of Mathematical And Statistical Psychology

471. British journal of Political Science

472. British journal of politics and international relations

473. British Journal Of Politics & International Affairs

474. British Journal Of Psychology

475. British Journal of Social And Clinical Psychology [Title changed as British Journal of Clinical Psychology]

476. British Journal of Social Psychology

477. British Journal of Sociology

478. British Medical Journal

479. British Mycological Society

480. British Physiological Journal

481. British Practice in International Law: Formerly Called

Contemporary Practice of the U. K. in the Field of Inter. Law

482. British Pteridological Society Bulletin

483. British Transport review

484. Brittonia

485. BSBI Abstracts : Abstracts from literature relating to the vascular plants of the British Isles

486. Buddhist text society

487. Builder

488. Building News and Engineering Journal

489. Bulletin Of American Mathematical Society

490. Bulletin

491. Bulletin Analytique

492. Bulletin: Commission of the USSR for UNESCO

493. Bulletin De Institut International De Statistique Stockholm

494. Bulletin De L'institut Botanique De Buitenzorg

495. Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France

496. Bulletin De La Societe Mathematique De France

497. Bulletin De La Societe Mathematique De France suplement

498. Bulletin de la societe scientifique de bretagne, Rennes

499. Bulletin De La Societe Scientifique De Bretagne

500. Bulletin Du Department De Agriculture Aux Indes Neerlandalses

501. Bulletin Du Jardin Botanique De Buitenzorg

502. Bulletin Indian Library Association

503. Bulletin,Institute for the Study of the USSR

504. Bulletin Of American american museum of natural history

505. Bulletin Of American Mathematical Society

506. Bulletin of Anthropological Survey of India

507. Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society

508. Bulletin of Botanical Survey of India

509. Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society

510. Bulletin Of Calcutta Statistical Association

511. Bulletin of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute

512. Bulletin of Central Research Institute

513. Bulletin of central research institute

514. Bulletin Of Colombo [Title Changed as Ceylon Geographer]

515. Bulletin of Czechoslovak Law

516. Bulletin Of Deccan College Postgraduate And Research Institute

517. Bulletin of Entomological Research

518. Bulletin Of Higher Education

519. Bulletin of Institute of Historical Research

520. Bulletin of International News

521. Bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology

522. Bulletin of Lloyd Library of Botany ,Pharmacy and Materia Medica

523. Bulletin of Materials Science

524. Bulletin of Mathematical biology

525. Bulletin of miscellaneous information

526. Bulletin Of Oxford University Institute Of Statistics

527. Bulletin of Ramakrishana Mission Institute

528. Bulletin of Reserve Bank of India

529. Bulletin of Sciences:a journal of science, technology and Society

530. Bulletin of sri Aurobhindo international center of education

531. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society

532. Bulletin of the American Museum of natural history

533. Bulletin of the American Physical Society

534. Bulletin of The Astronomical Society of India

535. Bulletin of the Botanical Society

536. Bulletin of the British Mycological Society

537. Bulletin of the Central Institute of English

538. Bulletin of the Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute

539. Bulletin of the Centre for History of European Expansion

540. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

541. Bulletin of The Deccan College Research Institute

542. Bulletin of the Department of English

543. Bulletin of the Department of History of Medicine

544. Bulletin of the European communities

545. Bulletin of the European Economic community.

546. Bulletin Of The Indian Institute Of Education

547. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and It Applications

548. bulletin of The Institute of Mathematics And its Applications

549. Bulletin of the Institute of Public Administration

550. Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Culture

551. Bulletin Of The International Commission of Jurists

552. Bulletin of the London mathematical society

553. Bulletin of the Mithila institute of post-Graduate studie and research in sanskrit learning.

554. Bulletin Of the Nagpur University Political Scienc Association.

555. Bulletin of the national register

556. Bulletin of The Operations Research Society of America

557. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

558. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical club

559. Bulletin of The Tribal Research and Development

560. Bulletin of the World Health Organization

561. Bulletin of the Zoological Society

562. Bulletin of Torry Botanical club

563. Bulletin of War Medicine

564. Bulletin on job opportunities in India

565. Bulletin of Astronomical Institutes of Czchoslovakia

566. Bulletin of marine ecology

567. Bulletin of Institution of Engineers Calcutta

568. Burhan

569. Business

571. Business Automation

572. Business Automation

573. Business Finance

574. Business India

575. Business Today

576. Business Topics

577. Business Week

578. Business Week International

579. Business world

580. Butsuri