581. CA Selects : Anti Inflammatory agents and Arthritis

582. CA Selects: Antibacterial Agents

583. CA Selects:Metallo Enzymes and Metallo Coenzymes

584. CA Selects: Organo Transition Metal Complexes

585. CA Selects Plus: Antitumor Agents

586. CA Selects :Radiation Chemistry

587. Cadet

588. Cahiers Pedagogies

589. Calcutta Geographical Review

590. Calcutta Historical Journal

591. Calcutta Oriental Journal

592. Calcutta Review

593. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin

594. Calendar of Modern Letters

595. California Citrograph

596. California Quarterly

597. Cambridge Law Journal

598. The Cambridge Quarterly

599. Cambridge Quarterly

600. Canadian Bar Review

602. Canadian Chemical Processing

603. Canadian Entomologist

604. Canadian Geographer

605. Canadian Historical Review

606. Canadian Journal Of Behavioral Science

607. Canadian journal of biochemistry.

608. Canadian Journal of Botany

609. Canadian Journal of Chemistry

610. Canadian Journal of Earth Science

611. Canadian Journal of Economics

612. Canadian Journal of Economics and political Science

613. Canadian Journal of History

614. Canadian Journal of Linguistics

615. Canadian Journal of Mathematics

616. Canadian Journal of microbiology

617. Canadian journal of Philosophy

618. Canadian Journal Of Physics

619. Canadian Journal of Physics [Formerly Known as Canadian Journal of Research: Section A

620. Canadian Journal of Plant Science

621. Canadian Journal of Political Science

622. Canadian Journal Of Psychology

623. Canadian Journal of Research

624. Canadian Journal of Zoology

625. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin

626. Canadian Modern Language Review

627. Canadian Public Administration

628. Canadian Public Policy: A Journal for the discussion of Social and economic policy in Canada

629. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology

630. Canadian review of studies in nationalism

631. Canadian Journal of Research: Section A [Title Changed as Canadian Journal of Physics}

632. Capital: A weekly Journal of Commerce, Industry and Finance

633. Caryologia: International Journal of cytology, cytosystematics and cytogenetics.

634. Catalogue Of Selected Documents In Psychology

635. Catalogue Of Selected Documents In Psychology

636. CEL Literature Notes

637. Cell

639. Cell Differentiation

640. Cement: Quarterly Journal of the Cement Manufactures Association

641. Centralblatt Fur Die Medicinischen Wissenschaften

642. Centre For Educational Policy And Management

643. Cew (chemical engineering world)

644. Ceylon Geographer [Formerly Known as Bulletin Of Colombo]

645. Ceylon Historical Journal

646. Ceylon Journal of Medical Science

647. Ceylon journal of science section B: Zoology and Geology

648. Ceylon Journal of Sciences. Biological Sciences N.S.

649. Ceylon Journal of the Humanities

650. Challenge

651. Chalmers Tekniska Hogskolas Handlingar: Transactions of Chalmers University of technology

652. Changing Villages

653. Chartered Accountant

654. Chartered financial analyst

655. Chartered secretary

657. Chartered Surveyor

658. Chartered Surveyor Land Hydrographic and Minerals Quarterly

659. Chartered Surveyor: Supplement

660. Chembiochem

661. Chemical Abstract

662. Chemical Abstracts

663. Chemical Age

664. Chemical and engineering news

665. Chemical Communications

666. Chemical Geology

667. Chemical Physics letters

668. Chemical reviews

669. Chemische Berichte

670. Chemist Analyst

671. Chemistry and Biology

672. Chemistry and Industry

673. Chemistry education

674. Chemistry in Britain (Previously published as 'proceedings of the chemical society and 'Journal of the Royal Institute

675. Chemistry International: The News Magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC)

676. Chemtracts:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

677. Chemtracts :Inorganic Chemistry

678. Chemtracts :Organic Chemistry

679. Chhand

680. Child Education

681. Child Education

682. China Quarterly

683. China Report

684. Chinese, Literature

685. Chinese Physics

686. Chinese Physics Letters

687. Chitanya

688. Chitramayajagat

689. Choice

690. Chromatographic reviews:prgress in chromatography electrophoresis and related methods

691. Chromosoma:Biology of the Nucleus

692. Chronica Botanica

693. Chronicle of Higher Education

694. CIBA Journal

695. CIBA Monographs

696. Civic Affairs

697. Classical and Quantum Gravity

698. Clinical Cancer Research

699. Clinical Endocrinology

700. Clinical Infectious Diseases

701. Clinical Journal :a monthly record of clinical medicine

702. Clinical Microbiology Reviews

703. CLIS Observer

704. Co-operative Studies : Journal of Co-operative Training College

705. Cochin University Law Review

706. Coexistence :a Journal for the comparative study of economics .sociology and politics in a changing world

707. College and Research Libraries

708. College English

709. Colliery Engineering

710. Collnet journal of scientometrics and information management

711. Columbia Journalism Review

712. Columbia Law Review

713. Combinatorics , probability and computing

714. Combustion

715. Comments on astrophysics and space Physics

716. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici

717. Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics

718. Comments on Solid State Physics

719. Commerce

720. Commercial And Financial Chronicle

721. Commercial Law Gazette: premier legal Fortnightly on Commercial News and reports.

722. Commonwealth Law Reports: Cases Determined in the High Court of Australia

723. Communication In Mathematical Physics

724. Communication Research

725. Communications IN Algebra

726. Communications of ACM

727. Communications on Physics

728. Communications On Pure And Applied Mathematics

729. Community Development and Panchayati Raj Digest

730. Commonwealth Law Reports: Cases Determined in the High Court of Australia

731. Company Law Journal

732. Comparative and General Pharmacology

733. Comparative Biochemistry and physiology.

734. Comparative Literature.

735. Comparative Literature.

736. Comparative Literature Studies

737. Comparative Political Studies

738. Comparative Studies in Society and History

739. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances de L'academie Des Sciences

740. Comptes Rendus Series A Hebdomadaires Des Seances De Lacademie Des Sciences

741. Comptes Rendus Series B Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L'academie Des Sciences Physiques

742. Comptus Rendus

743. Computer

744. Computer Abstracts

745. Computer Aided Design

746. Computer Aided Geometric Design

747. Computer and Chemistry

748. Computer and Information Systems

749. Computer Bulletin

750. Computer Design: The magazine of Digital Electronics

751. Computer Journal

752. Computer Music Journal

753. Computer Physics Communications

754. Computer Weekly

755. Computer World

756. Computers and Automation

757. Computers And Structures: An International Journal

758. Computing reviews

759. Computing Surveys

760. Commuting Europe

761. Conflict Studies

763. Conpar List

764. Constituent Assembly Debates.

765. Contemporary

766. Contemporary China

767. Contemporary Indian Literature

768. Contemporary Literature

769. Contemporary Psychology

770. Contributions to embryology

771. Contributions to Indian Sociology

772. Contributions to Indian Sociology: New Series

773. Cooperation and conflict

774. Cooperative news Digest

775. Coordination Chemistry Reviews

776. Copeia

777. Corporate Law Adviser

778. Cosip News Bulletin Physics

779. Cospar Information Bulletin

780. Currier

781. CRI Abstracts: A Quarterly Digest of Developments and Research in Cement Concrete

782. CRI Current Contents: Documentation List of Current Literature on Cement and Concrete

783. Cricketer

784. Criminal Law Journal: Reports

785. Criminal Law Review

786. Critical Inquiry

787. Critical Quarterly

788. Critical Reviews in Plant Science

789. Criticism: a quarterly for literature and art

790. Criticism and Research

791. Critique

792. Criminal Law Journal: Journal

793. Chronicle of World Health Organization

794. Cryptogamie Algologie

795. Cryptogamie:Algologie

796. Cryptogamie:Mycologie

797. Crystal Lattice Defects

798. CSI Communications

799. CSIR NEWS (Council of scientific and industrial Research, Delhi)

800. Cultural News from India

801. Culture And Life

802. Cultures

803. Cumulated Subject Index To Psychological Abstracts

804. Cumulative Author Index: To the anatomical record

805. Cumulative Book Index

806. Current advances in ecological and environmental science

807. Current Advances in plant science

808. Current Advances in Plant Sciences

809. Current Anthropology

810. Current Biology

811. Current Contents: Life Sciences

812. Current Genetics

813. Current History

814. Current Indian Statues

815. Current Law

816. Current Law Statutes Annotated

817. Current literature on science of science [ Continued from Index to literature on science of science ]

818. Current Mathematical Publications

819. Current notes on International Affairs

820. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development

821. Current opinion in Biotechnology

822. Current Opinion in Cell Biology

823. Current opinion in Genetics and development

824. Current Opinion in Immunology

825. Current opinion in immunology

826. Current opinion in Neurobiology

827. Current papers in Physics

828. Current Research in Library and Information Science

829. Current Scene: Developments in Current China

830. Current Science

831. Current Science

832. Current Sociology

833. current work in the history of medicine

834. Cytobiosts: International Journal of cell biology

835. Cytologia

836. Dialogue

837. Dandavate

838. Darshana.

839. Darshanik Traimashik

840. Das Deustsche Buch

841. Dastawej

842. Data India

843. Data Link

844. Data Processing: For Top Management And Chief Executives

845. Data Processing Magazine

846. Datamation

847. Deccan College

848. Deccan College Quarterly

849. Deccan Geographer

850. Deccan Geographer

851. Decennial Index to Index India

852. Defense And Foreign Affairs

853. Defense Science Journal

854. Democratic World

855. Democratic Journalist

856. Department of State Bulletin

857. Depathnews India

858. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology

859. DESIDOC list : Current scientific literature

860. Deuschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Beilsteins Handbuehder Orqanischen Chemie

861. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenscrift

862. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte

863. Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Beilstenis. Handbuchder Organischen Chemie.

865. Deutschen Chemisches Zentrablatt

866. Deutschunterricht:beitrage zu seiner praxis und wissenschaftlichen grundlegung

867. Deutschunterricht:Volk und Wissen

868. Developing Economies: journal of the institute of Asian Economic Affairs)

869. Development

870. Development and Change

871. Development Dialogue

872. Development Digest

873. Development Genes and Evolution

874. Developmental Biology

875. Devindex Canada

876. Dhanwantari

877. Dharma

878. Dharmaprakash

879. Dhruva

880. Diacritics

881. Dialectica

882. Dialectical Anthropology

883. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review

884. Diary of Political Events

885. Die Gattungen Der Pyrenomyzeten Sphaeropsideen und Meanconieen

886. Die orchidee

887. Differentiation :The Journal of the International of Differentiation

888. Differentia equations and dynamical systems

889. Digest of Cases Reported in the Indian Law Reports: Calcutta Series

890. Diogenes

892. Dipavali

893. Dipika

894. Direction of Trade

895. Directory of Indian Scientific Periodicals

896. Directory of Journals and Series in the Humanities

897. Disarmament

898. Discover

899. Discovery

900. Discrete and Computational Geometry

901. Discussions of Faraday Society

902. Dissent

903. Dissertation abstracts international B : Sciences and engineering

904. Dissertation Abstracts International : A

905. Divine Life Society

906. Dnyana

907. Dnyanapitha patrika

908. Dnyanaprakasha

909. Dnyanaprasarak

910. Documentatio Geographica : Papers Of Geographical Periodicals And Serials

911. Documentation Bulletin

912. Documentation Fortnightly

913. Documentation in Public Administration

914. Documentation In Social Sciences

915. Documentation List

916. Documentation List :Africa

917. Documentation USSR: Social Science

918. Doklady biological science : Proceedings of the Academy of science of the USSR

919. Doklady Botanical Sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences section , Tr. fromRussian

920. Dominion Law Reports: A Weekly Series of Reports of Cases From all the Court of Canada

921. Down To Earth

922. Drama review : the journal of performance studies

923. Duke Mathematical Journal

924. Duke Mathematical Journal :index

925. Durham

926. Dynamic Management

927. Earth and Planetary Science Letters

928. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms

929. Earth Surfaces Processes & Landforms

930. Earthquake Information Bulletin

931. East India Association Sabheche Marathi Masik Pustak

932. Eastern Anthropologist

933. Eastern Buddhist.

934. Eastern Economist: Annual Number

935. Eastern Pharmacist

936. Ecological Entomology

937. Ecological monographs.

938. Ecological monographs.

940. Ecology

941. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research

942. Econometrics

943. Econometrics Journal

944. Economic and Political Weekly

945. Economic Botany

946. Economic Geography

947. Economic Geology

948. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

949. Economic Journal

950. Economic Perspectives

951. Economic Record

952. Economic record: monthly survey of British Economic affairs

953. Economic Scene

954. Economic Times: Annual

955. Economic Trends

956. Economic Weekly

957. Economic

958. Economica

959. Economical Development and Cultural Change

960. Economics and philosophy

961. Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts

962. Economics of Planning: Theory and practice of centrally planned economies and their relations with market economies

963. Economist: weekly commercial times

964. Economics: Biannual collection of German contribution co the field of Economic science

965 Econometrics

966. Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety

967. Editor and Publishers

968. EDN: Electronics Design News

969. Education

970. Education Abstracts

971. Education And Psychology

972. Education : Biannual collection of recent German contributions to the field of educational research

973. Education Digest

974. Education in Chemistry

975. Education in chemistry, chemical society

976. Education : Journal of association of education committees

977. Education Quarterly

978. Educational And Psychological Measurement

979. Educational Forum

980. Educational Miscellany : A quarterly journal of the directorate of education

981. Educational Reporter

982. Educational Research

983. Egyptian Journal of Bilharzias is

984. .Egyptian Journal of Botany

985. Egyptian Journal of chemistry

986. Egyptian Journal of Food Science

987. Egyptian Journal of Microbiology

988. Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science

989. Egyptian Journal of Physics

990. Egyptian Journal of Physiological science

991. Egyptian reviews of science

992. Eighteenth Century Studies

993. Ekata

995. Ekistics: the Problems and Science of Human Settlements

996. Electro Technology

997. Electronic Components

998. Electronic Design

999. Electronic Engineering

1000. Electronics

1001. Electronics and Communications Abstracts Journal

1002. Electronics for you

1003. Electronics Industry

1004. Electronics Information and Planning

1005. Electronics Letters

1006. Electronics Today

1007. Electrical Engineering Abstracts: Being Science Abstracts Section B

1008. Elektor

1009. Elektrisches Nachrichtenwesen

1010. ELH : a journal of English Literary History

1011. Electronics and Power [Formerly Known as Journal of Institute of Electrical Engineers New Series]

1012. EMBO Journal (European molecular biology organization journal)

1013. EMBO Journal of (European molecular biology organization journal)

1014. Embryologia

1015. Embryologia [continued as "Development Growth & Differentiation]

1016. Enact

1017. Encounter

1018. Endeavor

1020. Energy Digest . Tata Energy Research Institute

1021. Engineering and Boiler House Review

1022. Engineering and Science

1023. Engineering: Illustrated Weekly Journal

1024. Engineering Index

1025. Engineering News Record: Weekly Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction

1026. English Historical Review

1027. English Language Journal

1028. English Language Notes

1029. English Language Teaching

1030. English Studies

1031. English Studies: journal English letters and Philosophy

1032. English - Teaching Abstracts : Quarterly review of studies related to English language teaching...periodicals

1033. English Teaching Forum

1034. Entomologist

1035. Entomological News

1036. Entomologist's monthly magazine

1037. Entomon

1038. Environment And Behavior

1039. Environment

1040. Environmental

1041. Environmental Ethics

1042. Environmental Health

1043. Environmental health criteria

1044. Environmental management

1045. Environmental Microbiology

1047. Environmental Pollution

1048. Environmental Resources Abstracts.

1049. Environmental science and technology

1050. Enzymologia : Acta biocatalytica

1051. EPA Bulletin

1052. Epigraphia Indica

1053. Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica

1054. Erkenntnis

1055. Essay in Criticism

1056. Essay in Criticism

1057. ETC : Review of General Semantics

1058. Ethics

1060. Ethnology

1061. Euphorion

1062. European History Quarterly

1063. European journal of biochemistry

1064. European Journal of Operational Research

1065. European Journal of Pharmacology

1066. European Journal of Physics

1067. European Journal of Public Health

1068. European journal of science education

1069. European Journal of Women’s Studies

1070. Everyman's Science

1071. Evolution

1072. Excerpta Medica: Developmental biology and teratology

1073. Exile

1074. Experientia

1076. Experimental Cell Research

1077. Experimental Cell Research Supplement

1078. Experimental Eye Research

1079. Experimental Wireless and Wireless Engineer

1080. Explicator