1081. Far Eastern Quarterly

1082. Faraday Symposia of the chemical society

1083. FASEB Journal

1084. Federal Law Journal

1085. Federal Reporter

1086. Federal Supplement

1087. Federation Internationale of Education Physique

1088. Federation Proceeding

1089. Federal Court Reports

1090. Feminist Issues

1091. Fems Microbiology Ecology

1092. FEMS Microbiology Reviews

1093. Fertilizer Technology

1094. Fibonacci Quarterly: A Journal Devoted to the study of integers with special properties

1095. Filosofia

1096. Finance: all the news of the hire of the dollar

1097. Finance and Development

1098. Financial analyst’s journal

1100. Fishery and Marine Science Abstracts

1101. Flight

1102. Focus

1103. Folia Biologica

1104. Folklore

1105. Food Research

1106. Food Science

1107. Foreign Affairs

1108. Foreign Affairs 50-Year Index

1109. Foreign Affairs Record

1111. Foreign Trade of Japan

1112. Fortnightly News Digest

1113. Fortnightly List Of Articles On India

1114. Fortnightly review

1115. Fortune

1116. Foundation of Physics: International Journal Devoted to Conceptual Bases of Modern natural Science

1117. Foundations of Language

1118. French Review

1119. French Science news

1120. French Studies: Quarterly Review

1121. Fugitive :a Journal of Poetry

1122. Fullerene science and technology

1123. Fundamenta Mathematicae

1124. Fundamental And Adult Education [ Title Changed as Informational Journal Of Adult And Youth Education]

1125. Gairvani

1126. GANITA[formerly Proceedings of the Benares Mathematical Society]

1127. Gas chromatography abstracts: cumulative index 1958-1963 inclusive

1128. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America

1129. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America

1130. Gazette: Game Bird Breeders aviculturalists , zoologists and conservationists

1131. Gazette: International Journal for Mass Communication Studies

1132. Gender and Society

1133. Gender Issues [Formerly Feminist Issues]

1134. Gene: An International Journal Focusing on Gene Cloning and gene structure and function

1135. General and Comparative Endocrinology

1136. General Relativity and Gravitation

1137. Genes and Development

1138. Genetics

1139. Genetics Abstracts

1140. Geo Abstracts

1141. GEOBIOS: Bimonthly Journal of life sciences

1142. Geografiska Annaler Sr.A : Physical Geography

1143. Geografiska Annaler Sr.B : Human Geography

1144. Geographers Transactions

1145. Geographical Abstracts [Formerly Known as New Geographical Literature And Maps]

1146. Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography

1147. Geographical Journal

1148. Geographical Review

1149. Geographical Review of India.

1150. Geographical Teacher [Title Changed as Geography]

1151. Geography

1152. Geography [Formerly Known As Geographical Teacher]

1153. Geological Society of America Bulletin

1154. Geological Survey Professional Paper

1155. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper

1156. Geology

1157. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

1158. Geophysical Research Letters

1159. Geophytology

1160. German

1161. German Comments

1162. German Economic Review: an English language quarterly on German economic research and current developments.

1163. German Foreign Policy

1164. German Journal Of Psychology : A Quarterly Of Abstracts And Review Articles

1165. Germanic Review

1166. Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift

1167. Germanistik

1168. Gidwani

1169. Glossa: A International Journal of Linguistics

1170. GNP

1171. Government and Opposition

1172. Grama Vikas

1173. Gramin Shikshan : Gramin jivan-vikasasa vahilele traimasik

1174. Grana Palynologica: International Journal of Palynology

1175. Grantha Ratnamala.

1176. Granthalaya

1177. Granthapal

1178. Ground Water

1179. Growth

1180. Guide To Current Literature In Environmental health Engineering and Science

1181. Guide to historical periodicals in the English language

1182. Guide to India Periodical Literature: Social Sciences and Humanities

1183. Guidelines

1184. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Journal of scientific research

1185. Half-yearly journal of Mysore University

1186. Hamlet Studies

1187. Hans

1188. Hansa

1189. Harvard Business Review

1190. Harvard business review

1191. Harvard Educational Review

1192. Harvard Educational Review : Special issue language and learning

1193. Harvard Law Review

1194. Health

1195. Health Action

1196. Health Policy and Planning

1197. Helminthological Abstracts

1198. Helpage India : research and development journal

1199. Helvetica Chemica Acta

1200. Helvetica Physiologica Et Pharmacologica

1201. Herald of Library Science

1202. Hereditas

1203. Heredity

1204. Heredity: an international journal of genetics

1205. Heritage

1206. Heritage India

1207. Hewlett-Packard Journal

1208. Hibbert

1209. Higher Education And Research In The Netherlands

1210. Higher Education Review

1211. Himalayan Mountaineering journal

1212. Himmat

1213. Hindi-Anushilan

1214. Hindi Sadarbha

1215. Hindu Law Quarterly

1216. Hinduism

1217. Hinduism

1218. Hindustan Antibiotics

1219. Hindustan Review

1220. Hindustani

1221. Hislop Journalist

1222. Historical abstracts

1223. Historical periodicals: an annotated list of historical and related serial publications

1224. Historical Research

1225. History and memory

1226. History and Political science journal

1227. History and Theory

1228. History of Political Thought

1229. History of Political Thought

1230. History of Religions: International Journal for Comparative Historical Studies

1231. History of the human sciences

1232. Historical research journal.

1233. Homeopathic Recorder

1234. Horizon

1235. Hornbill

1236. House and Home

1237. Hudson Review

1238. Hudson Review

1239. Human Biology: a record of research.

1240. Human Heredity

1241. Human Organization

1242. Human Relations : Journal of studies towards the integration of the social sciences

1243. Humanities Index

1244. Huntington

1245. Hydrobiologia

1246. Hydrobiologia: Acta Hydrobiologia,Hydrographia et Limnologica

1247. Hypertension