2190. Kaivalya Sudha

2191. Kalpana

2192. Kalyan

2193. Kamakotivani

2194. Kant-Studien

2195. Karamanika

2196. Kavaka:Transactions of the Mycological Society of India

2197. Kavita rati

2198. Kavya

2199. Kayasta Samachar

2200. Kayastha Prabhunchya Itihasac Sadhne

2201. Keats Shelley Journal

2202. Keats Shelley Memorial Bulletin

2203. Keats Shelley Review

2204. Keio Economic studies.

2205. Kenyon Review

2206. Kenyon Review

2207. Keralakokila

2208. Kesari

2209. Kessing's record of World events

2210. Key Abstracts : Physical Measurements and Instrumentation

2211. Khadi Gramodyog:The Journal Of Rural Economy

2212. Kinetic and Catalysis

2213. Kirloskar

2214. Kirloskar

2215. Klinische Wochenschrift

2216. Knowledge

2217. Koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen

2218. Korea and World Affairs:A Quarterly Review

2219. Korea Journal

2220. Korean Journal of International Studies

2221. Kridajagat

2222. Krokodil

2223. Kundalivarnan

2224. Kurukshetra

2225. Kurukshetra University Research Journal: Arts And Humanities

2226. Kuvalayananda

2227. L'Anthropologie

2228. L'infomation Litteraiture

2229. La cellule recueil de cytologie et d'histology

2230. LA Classe De Francais : Revue pour L'Enseignment du Francais

2231. La Presse Medicale

2232. Labour

2233. Labour

2234. Labour and Industrial Cases

2235. Labour Law Journal

2236. Laghu Udyog Samachar

2237. Lalit

2238. Lalit Kala Akadmi

2239. Lalita

2240. Lancet

2241. Lancet-a journal of foreign medicine ,surgery obstetrics, physiology, chemistry etc.

2242. Language

2243. Language and Language Behavior Abstracts

2244. Language and Style

2245. Language Arts

2246. Language in Society

2247. Language Learning: a journal of applied linguistics

2248. Language Learning Journal

2249. Language Teaching Abstracts

2250. Languages

2251. Laser Focus

2252. Laski Institute Review

2253. Law and Society Review: The Journal Of the Law and Society Association

2254. Law and State

2255. Law Quarterly Review

2256. Law Reports: Appeal Cases:

2257. Law Reports: Chancery Division

2258. Law reports: family Division

2259. Law Reports of British India: Indian law Reports, Madras Series [Title changed as Indian Decisions New series]

2260. Law Reports: Probate Division

2261. Law Reports: Queens Bench Decision

2262. Law Teacher [Formerly Journal Of Association Of Law Teachers]

2263. Le Francis Dans Le Monde

2264. Leader

2265. Learning Environments Research

2266. Legal History

2267. LES Charnets De Lenfance Assignment Children

2268. Lethaia

2269. Lethaia

2270. Letters in applied microbiology

2271. Letters in Applied Microbiology

2272. Libgrary Association Record

2273. Libra

2274. Librarian

2275. Library administration and management

2276. Library And Information Science Abstracts

2277. Library and Information Science Research

2278. Library And Librarian : A Library Science Research Journal

2279. Library Assistant

2280. Library Herald

2281. Library & Information Science Abstracts

2282. Library Journal

2283. Library Literature

2284. Library of Congress Information Bulletin

2285. Library Of Congress Quarterly Journal Of Current Acquisition

2286. Library Progress

2287. Library Quarterly

2288. Library Resources and Technical Services

2289. Library Review

2290. Library Science Abstracts

2291. Library Science With A Slant To Documentation

2292. Library Trends

2293. Library World

2294. Libri

2296. Lichenologist

2297. Life-Beyond

2298. Life Science

2299. Life Sciences

2300. Life Time Data Analysis

2301. Light

2302. Linear Algebra And Its Applications

2303. Linguist

2304. Linguistic Inquiry

2305. Linguisticae Investigation

2306. Link

2307. List of Abbreviations of titles of Biological Journals

2308. Listen

2309. Literary Criterion

2310. Literature

2311. Literature, East and West

2312. Literature Music Fine Arts

2313. Literaturnoe Obozrniye

2314. Literry Half-Yerly

2315. Lithos

2316. Littcrit

2317. Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica.

2318. Lloydia

2319. Lok Udyog

2320. Loka-Kala

2321. Loka Sanskriti

2322. Lokanookampa

2323. Lokasatta

2324. Lokashikshana

2325. Lokashikshana

2326. Lokrajya

2327. London Magazine

2328. Lucknow Librarian

2329. Lyle: Author Guide to the Applied Probability journals

2330. Madhavshidhanta Sudhakar

2331. Madhumati

2332. Madhumati

2333. Madhuri

2334. Madhyama

2335. Madras High Court Reports: Reports of Cases Decided In the High Court of Madras

2336. Madras Law Journal

2337. Maha Bodhi and United Buddhist World: Journal

2338. Maha bodhi society

2339. Mahanubhava

2340. Maharashatra Parichya

2341. Maharashtra Cooperative Quarterly

2342. Maharashtra Government Gazette

2343. Maharashtra Granthlya Sangh

2344. Maharashtra Legislative Journal

2345. Maharashtra Medical Journal Poona

2346. Maharashtra Parichaya

2347. Maharashtra quarterly bulletin of economics and statistics

2348. Maharashtra Sharada

2349. Maharashtra Vidnyan Mandir Patrika

2350. Maharastra Kavi

2351. Maharastra Sahitya patrika.

2352. Maharatta Centenary Number 1981

2353. Mahasagar : Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography

2354. Mahratta

2355. Mahratta Centenary

2356. Main currents in Modern Thought: Journal of the Foundatio for Integrated Education

2357. Maize Genetics Cooperation News Letter

2358. Malava Mayura

2359. Malava Sahitya

2360. Malava Sahitya

2361. Malayalam Literarv Survey.

2362. Malayan Law Journal

2363. Malaysian Journal Of Tropical Geography

2364. Man

2365. Man and Development

2366. Man And Life

2367. Man In India

2368. Man in India

2369. Management Abstracts

2370. Management Abstracts: Digests and Reviews

2371. Management Accountant

2372. Management and Administration

2373. Management and labour studies

2374. Management in Government

2375. Management International Review

2376. Management :Journal of the Irish Management Institute

2377. Management Review

2378. Management Science : Application

2379. Management Today

2380. Managing Information

2381. Manas : a journal of scientific psychology

2382. Manavata

2383. Manika

2384. Manjusha.

2385. Mankind

2386. Mankind Quarterly

2387. Manohar

2388. Manorama

2389. Manoranjana

2390. Manpower Documentation

2391. Mansa-Mayukha

2392. Manuscripta Mathematica

2393. Manvatar

2394. Maratha

2395. Maratha chamber of commerce and industris.

2396. Marathawada sahitya parishad

2397. Marathawada University Journal

2398. Marathi Samshodhan Patrika

2399. MArathi Swadhyaya Samshodan -patrika

2400. Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Patrika

2401. Marathwada University Journal of science

2402. March of India

2403. Marconi Review

2404. Marg

2405. Margin: Quarterly Journal of National Council of Applied Economics Research

2406. Marketing Management

2407. Marketing Research

2408. Maru Bharati.

2409. Marxism Today

2410. Mass Comm. Review

2411. Masurashrum Patrika

2412. Matematicheskii Sbornik (Mathematical Symposium)

2413. Mathematical Gazette

2414. Mathematical Intelligencer

2415. Mathematical review

2416. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

2417. Mathematical Tables And Others Aids To Computation [Title Change as Mathematics Of Computation]

2418. Mathematics Education: Quarterly journal devoted to improvement of mathematics education

2419. Mathematics of Computation

2420. Mathematics of Operations Research

2421. Mathematics of The USSR:Translation Of Izvestija Mathematical Series

2422. Mathematics Of The USSR: Translation of Matemateceskii Sbornik New Series

2423. Mathematics Student

2424. Mathematics Teachers

2425. Mathematika: Journal Of Pure and Appllied Mathematics.

2426. Mathematische Annalen

2427. Mathematische Nachrichten

2428. Mathematische Und Naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen

2429. Mathematische Zeitschrift

2430. Mathematics Of Computation [Formerly Known As Mathematical Tables and Other Aids To Computation]

2431. Mauj

2432. Mauli

2433. Mausam

2434. Maya

2435. Meanjin

2436. Measurement Science and Technology

2437. Measurent Science and Technology

2438. Mechanical Engineers Association

2439. Medha.

2440. Media Asia

2441. Media Culture and Society

2442. Medical Anthropology Newsletter

2443. Medical Anthropology Quarterly

2444. Medical Bulletin :a journal for medical practitioners

2445. Medical Digest

2446. Medical History: Quarterly journal devoted to the history and bibliography of medicine and the related sciences

2447. Medical News ,Medicine and Law

2448. Medical Physics

2449. Medical Review of Reviews

2450. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts

2451. Medieval History Journal

2452. Medium Aevum

2453. Memoirs Of The School Of Science And Engineering

2454. Memoirs Presents Par divers savants AL'Academie Des Sciences De L'institut de France

2455. Memoirs of Archaeological Survey of Ceylon

2456. Memoirs of Archaeological Survey of India

2457. Memoirs of Asiatic Society of Bengal

2458. Memoirs Of India Meteorological Department

2459. Memoirs of Indian Botanical Society

2460. Memoirs of Indian Museum

2461. Memoirs of New York Botanical Garden

2462. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada

2463. Memoirs of the Research

2464. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India

2465. Memoris of the Royal Astronomical Society

2466. Memory And Cognition

2467. Mental Hygiene

2468. Metal-based Drugs

2469. Metaphilosophy

2470. Metaphilosophy

2471. Methods and Problems of Medical Education

2472. Metric Measures

2473. Metrika : International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics

2474. Metrika:International Journal For Theorotical And Applied Statistics

2475. Metrologia International Journal Of Pure & Applied Metrology

2476. Metron

2477. Michigan Asian studies center

2478. Michigan Mathematical Journal

2479. Microbiological Abstracts section C: general microbiology and bacteriology

2480. Microbiological Reviews, American society for Microbiology

2481. Microbiology


2483. Microbiology Abstracts Section A: General Microbiology and bacteriology

2484. Microbiology and immunology [previously as Japanese Journal of Microbiology]

2485. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews

2486. Microbiology: tr. from Russian

2487. Microbios: International journal of chemical and general  microbiology

2488. Middle East Journal

2489. Middle East Review

2490. Middle East Technical University Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

2491. Military Balance

2492. Military Review

2493. Milun Saryajani

2494. Mimansa Prakasha

2495. Mimbai marathi Granthasangrahalaya.

2496. Mind

2498. Minerlological Magazine

2499. Minerva : Review Of Science, learning and Policy

2500. Mining environmental management

2501. Mining Journal

2502. Mining Magazine

2503. Mining Engineering

2504. MIRA

2505. Modeling & Simulation In Materials Science & Engineering

2506. Modern Asian Studies

2507. Modern Drama

2508. Modern fiction studies

2509. Modern Fiction Studies: a critical Quarterly

2510. Modern Government

2511. Modern Language Journal

2512. Modern language notes.

2513. Modern Language Quarterly

2514. Modern Language Review

2515. Modern Languages

2516. Modern Law And Society

2517. Modern Law Review

2518. Modern Philology

2519. Modern Physics Letters B

2520. Modern review

2521. Modern Review

2522. Modern world

2523. Molecular and cellular biochemistry: international journal Hague,

2524. Molecular photochemistry

2525. Molecular Physics

2526. Monatshefte

2527. Monist

2528. Monthly Abstracts of Statistics

2529. Monthly Bibliography

2530. Monthly Bulletin of agricultural Economics and Sociology

2531. Monthly Bulletin of Statistics

2532. Monthly commentary on Indian economic conditions

2533. Monthly List of Selected Articles

2534. Monthly Public Opinion: Surveys

2535. Monthly Review of the Indian Economy

2536. Monthly technical review

2537. Mother India

2538. Multidisciplinary research

2539. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift

2540. Municipal Finance

2541. Musee Royal D'histoire naturelle de belgique

2542. Musical Quarterly

2543. Mutation Research

2544. Mycological Research : International Journal of Fungal Biology

2545. Mycological Society of America

2546. Mycotaxon

2547. Mysore Economic Review

2548. Mysore Orientalist