2549. Nachrichaten der akademic der wissenschaften in Gottingen Philogisch- historische klasse

2550. Nachrichten Der Academie Der Wissenschaften In Gottingen:MMathematisch-Phisikalische Klasse

2551. Nagari Pracharini Sabha

2552. Nagarjun

2553. Nagarlok:Municipal Affairs Quarterly

2554. Nagoya Mathematical Journal

2555. Nagoya studies in Indian culture and Buddhism

2556. Nagpur University Journal

2557. Nagpur university journal:science

2558. Namadev

2559. Name

2560. Nanotechnology

2561. Nanta Mathematica

2562. Natak

2563. Nation

2564. National

2565. National Bank news review.

2566. National Civic Review

2567. National Defense {Formerly Ordinance}

2568. National Geographic

2569. National Geographic Magazine [Title Changed As National Geographic Traveler]

2570. National Geographic Traveler [Formerly Known As National Geographic Magazine

2571. National Geographical Journal Of India

2572. National Information Service

2574. National Medical Journal of India

2575. National Review

2576. National Tax Journal

2577. Natur und volk

2578. Natural Products Reports

2579. Natural Resource and Development

2580. Nature

2582. Nature and Museum

2583. Nature Directory Of Biologicals

2584. Nature: Index

2585. Nature :New Biology

2586. Nature: Physical Science

2587. Naturwissenschaften

2588. Nav anushtubh

2589. Navabharata

2590. Naval Research Logistic Quarterly.

2591. Navayuga

2592. Nayi Kavita.

2593. Neelameghan

2594. Neue Deutsche Hefte

2595. Neues Jahrbuch far Mineralogie

2596. Neuron

2597. New Administrator

2598. New Age

2599. New Biology

2600. New Botanist

2601. New Commonwealth

2602. New England Journal Of Medicine

2603. New England Water Works Association

2604. New Frontiers In Education

2605. New Geographical Literature And Maps [Title Changed a Geographical Abstracts]

2606. New Indian Antiquary

2607. New Journal of Chemistry

2608. New Left Review

2610. New Literary History

2611. New Phytologist : British Botanical Journal

2612. New Phytologist : international journal of plant science

2613. New Quest

2614. New Scientist

2615. New Socialist

2616. New Theatre Quarterly

2617. New Times

2618. New Universities Quarterly

2619. New Verse

2620. New York Review of Bools

2621. News Bulletin

2622. News Letter

2623. Newsletter of the Hewlett-Packard Educational Users Group

2624. Newsweek International

2625. Nibandhachandrica

2626. NIE Journal

2627. Nieman Reports

2628. Nigerian Law Journal

2629. Nikash

2630. Nineteenth-Century fiction

2631. Nisargopachar varta

2632. NLL translations bulltin

2633. NMIMS Management Review

2634. Nonlinearity

2635. North eastern Reporter

2636. Notes and Queries

2637. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London

2638. Notes on Literature

2639. Notices Of The American Mathematical Society

2640. Nous

2642. Nova Hedwigia:zeitschrift fur kryptogsmenkunde

2643. Nswab-E-Adam

2644. Nuclear India

2645. Nuclear Instruments and Methods

2646. Nuclear Physics

2647. Nuclear Physics B

2648. Nuclear Science Abstracts

2649. Nucleonics

2650. Nucleus: International jr. of cytology and allied topics.

2651. Nucleic acids research

2652. Numerische Mathematik

2653. Nuovo Cimento:Revista Internazionale Organo Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica(11th Series)

2654. Nuovo Cimento:Rivista Internazionale Organo Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica(10th Series)

2655. Nutrition Reviews

2656. Obituary notices of fellows of royal society

2657. Observatory: A Review of Astronomy

2658. Occasional Notes

2659. Occupational Psychology

2660. Occupational Safety and health abstracts

2661. Oceanic Linguistics

2662. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual Review

2663. Operational Research Quarterly

2664. Operations Research

2665. Opinion

2666. Opsearch : Journal of the Operational Research Society of India

2667. Ophthalmic Research

2668. Optical Engineering

2669. Optics and Spectroscopy

2670. Optics Letters

2671. Optics News

2672. Optik

2673. Orbis

2674. Order

2675. Ordnance : Weapons For National Defense [From V 58, 1973 Title Changed as National Defense]

2676. Organic letters

2677. Organiser

2679. Organizational Behavior And Human Performance: A journal of fundamental research and theory in applied psychology

2680. Organometallics

2681. Oriental Thought

2682. Orissa Museum

2683. Osaka Journal Of Mathematics.[Formerly Osaka Mathematical Journal]

2684. Osaka Mathematical Journal [Title Changed as Osaka Journal of Mathematics]

2685. Osmania German Annual

2686. Osmania Journal Of Current Affairs

2687. Osmania Journal of English Studies

2688. Osmania Journal Of Social Sciences

2689. Outlook On Research Libraries

2690. OVAC Bulletin

2691. Overseas Engineer

2692. Oxford bulletin of Economic and Statistics

2693. Oxford economic papers

2694. Oxford Literary Review

2695. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy

2696. Pacific Journal of Mathematics

2697. Pahal

2698. Pakisatan development review

2699. Pakshik Samachar Sar

2700. Palaeobotanist

2701. Pali text society

2702. Palynological Bulletin

2703. Panchadhara

2704. Panchadhara.

2705. Panchayati Raj.

2706. Pandeya

2707. Pandit.

2708. Pandit.monthly publication of Benares college.

2709. Pangarkar(L.R.)

2710. Panjab University Research Bulletin: Arts

2711. Papers of the bibliographical Society of America

2712. Paraga

2713. Parasitology

2714. Parijata

2715. Parishad-Patrika

2716. Parliament of India, Debates

2717. Parliamentary affairs

2718. Parliamentary Affairs

2719. Parliamentary Debates

2720. Paryavaran Abstracts

2721. Patha Shala Patraka [Title Changed as Shalapatrak]

2722. Pathway to God

2723. Peace and Solidarity

2724. Peace Freedom and Socialism

2725. People's Raj

2726. Perceptual And Motor Skills

2727. Performing Arts Journal

2728. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica

2729. Personal Management and Methods

2730. Personal Managment Abstracts

2731. Personality And Individual Differences: An international journal of individual differences

2732. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin

2733. Personality Study And Group Behavior : An international social psychology

2734. Personnel

2735. Personnel Administration

2736. Personnel and Guidance Journal

2737. Personnel Journal

2738. Personnel Management

2739. Personnel Today

2740. Perspective

2741. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

2742. Perspectives in Education

2743. Perspectives on politics

2744. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen

2745. Philippine Journal of Science

2746. Philologus

2747. Philosopher,s Index

2748. Philosophia

2749. Philosophical Association

2750. Philosophical forum

2751. Philosophical magazine and Journal of Science (6th.Series)

2752. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science (7th.Series)

2753. Philosophical Magazine: Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Applied Physics(8th.Series)

2754. Philosophical Magazine Letters

2755. Philosophical Quarterly

2756. Philosophical Quarterly

2757. Philosophical review

2758. Philosophical studies

2759. Philosophical Studies

2761. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London

2762. Philosophical transactions of royal society of London serial B Biological Sciences

2763. Philosophy

2764. Philosophy and History

2765. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

2766. Philosophy and Phenomenological research

2767. Philosophy and rhetoric

2768. Philosophy and Social Action

2769. Philosophy and Social action

2770. Philosophy East and West

2771. Philosophy of Science

2772. Philosophy of science: official journal of the philosophy y of science association

2773. Philosophy of the social science

2774. Photogrammetria International Society for Photogrammetry

2775. Photosynthesis Research

2776. Phycologia

2777. Phycological Measurement

2778. Phycos

2779. Physica Scripta

2780. Physica Status Solidi

2781. Physica Status Solidi

2782. Physical Review

2783. Physical Review A: General Physics

2784. Physical review abstracts

2785. Physical Review: B

2786. Physical Review C

2787. Physical Review D

2788. Physical Review E

2789. Physical review Letters

2790. Physics Abstracts

2791. Physics Abstracts - Section A [Formerly Science Abstracts]

2792. Physics And Chemistry of Solids An International Journal

2793. Physics Bulletin

2794. Physics Education

2795. Physics in Medicine and Biology

2796. Physics In Technology

2797. Physics Letters

2798. Physics News

2799. Physics of Fluids A And B [formerly known as Physics of Fluids]

2800. Physics of Fluids [Title changed as Fluids A&B]

2801. Physics of Plasmas

2802. Physics Reports

2803. Physics Teacher

2804. Physics Today

2805. Physics world

2806. Physiologia Plantarum

2807. Physiological Entomology

2808. Physiological Measurement

2809. Physiological Reviews

2810. Physiological Zoology

2811. Physiology and molecular biology of plants

2812. Phytochemistry:International Journal of Plant Biotechnology

2813. Phytologia

2814. Phytomorphology

2815. Phyton:International Journal of Experimental Botany

2816. Phytopathology

2817. Planetary and space science

2818. Planned Selling

2819. Planning and Administration

2820. Planning and Development in Netherlands

2821. Plant and cell physiology

2822. Plant and Soil: International Journal of Plant Nutrition plant chemistry soil microbiology and soil

2823. Plant Breeding Abstracts

2824. Plant Cell

2825. Plant Journal

2826. Plant Physiology

2827. Plant Research and development

2828. Plant Science

2829. Plant science bulletin

2830. Planta : International Journal of Plant Biology

2831. Plants and Gardens

2832. Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion [Formerly Known As Plasma Physics]

2833. Plasma Physics Accelerators Thermonuclear Research [Title Changed as Plasma Physics]

2834. Plasma Physics [Formerly known as Plasma Physics Accelerators Thermonuclear

Research][Title Changed Asp.p.& Contr...

2835. Plasma sources science and technology

2836. Playfair Cricket Monthly

2837. Plays

2838. PMLA

2839. PMLA(publication of the modern language association of America

2840. PMM: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Translation of the Soviet Journal Prikladnaia Matematika

2841. Poetics

2842. Poetique : Revue de theorie et d'analyse litteraires

2843. Poetry

2844. Poetry and Poverty

2845. Poetry India

2846. Policy Sciences

2847. Political and Society

2848. Political Behavior

2849. Political Communication and Persuasion

2850. Political Quarterly

2851. Political science and politics

2852. Political Science Review

2853. Political Studies

2855. Political studies review

2856. Political Theory

2857. Political Theory

2858. Politics

2859. Polity

2860. Polska Akademia Nauk Instytut Geografii

2861. Polyhedron

2862. Polymer preprints

2863. Poona Orientalist

2864. Population and Development Review

2865. Population Centre, Bangalore: News Letter

2866. Population Review

2867. Population Space and Place

2868. Population Studies

2869. Post office Electrical Engineers Journal

2870. Postgraduate

2871. Prabha

2872. Prabhat

2873. Prabhu Masika

2874. Prabhu prabhat

2875. Prabodhana

2876. Prabuddha

2877. Praci-Jyoti

2878. Practical Psychology

2879. Practicing Anthropology

2880. Practitioner

2881. Pradeep

2882. Prakruti:Science section

2883. Pramana : a Journal of Physics

2884. Prasad

2885. Prasar

2886. Prasthan

2887. Prathamik Shikshana Visheshank : Navin abhyasakramacha margadarshak

2888. Pratibha

2889. Pratik

2890. Pravasi

2892. Praxis:

2893. Praxis Deutsch

2894. Precambrian Research

2895. Prekshaka

2896. Presence Francofone

2897. Press Council of India Review

2898. Probability theory and related fields

2899. Problems of Communism

2900. Problems of Linguistics

2901. Proceeding of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

2902. Proceeding of Indian National Science Academy

2903. Proceeding of Institute of Radio Engineers

2904. Proceeding of national academy of sciences of UNITED states of America

2905. Proceeding of Royal Society of London S .A

2906. Proceedings

2907. Proceedings of American Mathematical Society

2908. Proceedings of Aristotelian Society

2909. Proceedings of Benares Mathematical Society

2910. Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical society

2911. Proceedings of Entomological Society of London

2912. Proceedings of Entomological Society of Ontario

2913. Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington

2914. Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences

2915. Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A

2916. Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Sciences

2917. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers

2918. Proceedings of Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers Indian Division

2919. Proceedings of Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie VanWetenschappen: Series A Mathematical Sciences

2920. Proceedings of London Mathematical Society

2921. Proceedings of London Mathematical Society Third Series

2922. Proceedings of National academy of sciences of United states of America

2923. Proceedings of National Institute of Sciences of India section B

2924. Proceedings of national institute of sciences of India

2925. Proceedings of Physical Society, London

2926. Proceedings of Royal Entomological Society London

2927. Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh

2928. proceedings of royal society of Edinburgh section B Biology

2929. Proceedings of Royal Society of London Series B

2930. Proceedings of Sarvajanik Sabha

2931. Proceedings of Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

2932. Proceedings of the American Society of International Law

2933. Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles

2934. Proceedings of the chemical society

2935. Proceedings of The Edinburgh Mathematical Society second series

2936. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Plant Sciences

2937. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Animal Science

2938. Proceedings of the Japan Academy

2939. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Sr B: Physical Sciences

2940. Proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse academie van wetenschappen

2941. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

2942. Proceedings of the Rajasthan Academy of Sciences

2943. Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Medicine

2944. Proceedings of Zoological Society of London

2945. Proceedings of Zoological Society of London

2946. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetensechappen Sr.B: Physics

2947. Productivity

2948. Productivity Measurement Review

2949. Professional Administration

2950. Professional Geographer

2951. Professional Psychology

2952. Program

2953. Program (ASLIB)

2954. Program: Automated Library and Information Science

2955. Progress In Human Geography

2956. Progress In Physical Geography

2957. Progress Of Education : Journal devoted to discussion ofproblems relating to theory practice & administration.. edn.

2958. Progress of Physical Science

2959. Progress of Theoretical Physics

2960. Prospects : Quarterly review of education

2961. Przeglad Geograficzny

2962. PS

2963. PS:Political Science and Politics

2964. Psyche : Journal of Entomology

2965. Psycho-Lingua

2966. Psychologia: International Journal Of Psychology In The Orient

2967. Psychological Abstracts

2968. Psychological Abstracts

2969. Psychological Bulletin

2970. Psychological Documents

2971. Psychological Monographs:General And Applied

2972. Psychological Review

2973. Psychological Studies

2974. Psychology

2975. Psychology and developing societies : a journal

2976. Psychometrika

2977. Public Administration

2978. Public Administration Abstracts and Index of Articles

2979. Public Administration and Development

2980. Public Administration Review

2981. Public Enterprise Recorder

2982. Public Finance: international quarterly journal

2983. Public Law

2984. Public Library Journal

2985. Public Management

2986. Public Opinion Quarterly

2987. Public Opinion Quarterly

2988. Publications De Linstitut De Statistique De L Universite De Paris

2989. Publications Mathematiques

2990. Publishers Weekly: American Book Trade Journal

2991. Punjab University Law Review

2992. Pure and Applied Chemistry

2993. Purna

2994. Purushartha

2995. Pyrethrum Post