2996. Quality Progress: Monthly News Magazine of the American Society for Quality Control[Formerly Known as Industrial Qualit

2997. Quarterly Bibliography of Current India References on Fisheries and Allied Subjects

2998. Quarterly bulletin of statistics

2999. Quarterly Bulletin of the Zoological Survey of India

3000. Quarterly Check-List Of Psychology

3001. Quarterly cumulative index medicus

3002. Quarterly Economic Report

3003. Quarterly Journal of Economics

3004. Quarterly Journal Of Economics

3005. Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology

3006. Quarterly Journal of Local-Self Govt Institute

3007. Quarterly Journal Of Mathematics

3008. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Second Series

3009. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics And Applied Mathematics

3010. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical science

3011. Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences

3012. Quarterly Journal of Pune Sarvajanik Sabha

3013. Quarterly Journal Of Royal Meteorological Society

3014. Quarterly Journal of Speech

3015. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society

3016. Quarterly of Deccan Institute of Commerce

3017. Quarterly review of biology.

3018. Quarterly review of Historical studies

3019. Quarterly Reviews of Chemical Society

3020. Quarterly

3021. Quest

3022. R and D Digest

3023. Rachana

3024. Radiation physics and chemistry: international journal of radiation application and instrumentation part C

3025. Radiation Research

3026. Radical Humanist

3027. Radio and Electronic Engineer

3028. Radio and Television News

3029. Radio-Craft [Title Changed as Radio Electronics]

3030. Radio Electronics [Formerly Radio-Craft]

3031. Radio News

3032. Radio Science [Formerly Known as Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Section D Radio Propagation]

3033. Radio Science New Series

3034. Radio Times of India

3035. Radiochemical and radio analytical letters

3036. Radiochimica acta

3037. Rajasthan-Bharati.

3038. Ramakrishna Niketan

3039. Ramdas and Ramdasi

3040. Rare Books And Manuscripts Librarianship

3041. Rasavanti

3042. Rashtra Bharati

3043. Rashtravani

3044. Ratio

3045. Rationalost

3046. Ratnakar

3047. RCA Review: Quarterly Journal of Radio Progress

3048. Reaching of Political Science

3049. Reader's Digest

3050. Records of Botanical Survey of India

3051. Records of Chemical Progress

3052. Records of Indian Museum

3053. Recueil

3054. Reecords Of The Botanical Survey Of India

3055. Registrar General's Newsletter

3056. Reinwardtia

3057. Remedial Education

3058. Renaissance News.

3059. Report of American Bar Association

3060. Report of Company Cases Including Cases on Banking and Insurance

3061. Report of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

3062. Report of the Bose Institute

3063. Reporter

3064. Reports of Statistical Application Research Union of Japanese Scientists and Origineers

3065. Reports on Progress in Physics

3066. RER : Review of educational research

3067. Research and Review: Journal of Indian Research Society

3068. Research Bulletin

3069. Research Bulletin of Panjab University

3070. Research Bulletin of the Panjab University

3071. Research Bulletin of the Panjab University

3072. Research In The Teaching of English

3073. Research Information Bulletin : Social Science Projects In Southern Asia

3074. Research Journal Of The Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thachkersy Women'S University

3075. Research Journal - Science

3076. Reserve Bank Staff Occasional Papers

3077. Resonance : Journal of Science Education

3078. Resonance:Jr of science education,Bangalor

3079. Resources In Education

3080. Retrahedron:international journal of organic chemistry

3081. Retrospect of Medicine

3082. Reveue De Linstitut International De Statistique [International Statistical Review]

3083. Reviews of pure and applied chemistry

3084. Review

3086. Review : bi-monthly magazine of poetry and criticism

3087. Review of Applied Entomology

3088. Review Of Contemporary Law

3089. Review of Economic studies.

3090. Review of English Literature

3091. Review of English Studies

3092. Review of International Affairs

3093. Review of medical and veterinary mycology

3094. Review of Metaphysics

3095. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

3096. Review of Plant Pathology

3097. Review of Politics

3098. Review of Scientific Instruments

3099. Reviews Of Geophysics

3100. Reviews of Modern Physics

3101. Revista Cubana De Fisica

3102. Revista de ciencias Biologicas

3103. Revue Algologique

3104. Revue bryologique :consacre a letude des mousses et des hepatiques

3105. Revue consacree a l'etude de la Langue Francaise

3106. Revue De La Documentation: Review of Documentation [Title Chaned as Revue Internationale De La Documentation

3107. Revue De Litterature Comparee

3108. Revue de mycologie

3109. Revue De Physique Appliquee:Supplement Au Journal De Physique

3110. Revue Economique:La modernisation de Lagriculture Francaise

3111. Revue Francaise De L'Electricite

3112. Revue generale de botanique paris

3113. Revue ,International organization for Ancient Languages Analysis by Computer

3114. Revue Internationale D'Onomastique

3115. Revue Internationale De La documentation [Formerly Knowen asRevue De La Documentation: Review of Documentation]

3116. Revue Philosophique

3117. Rheumatism

3118. Ritam

3119. RLC: Revuede Litterature Comparee

3120. Road Research Papers

3121. Roads and Road Construction

3122. Ropa-lekha: Illustrated Quarterly Journal of Indian Arts and Crafts

3123. Rosicrucian Digest

3124. Round Table

3125. Royal Astronomical Society

3126. Royal Institute of Chemistry Journal

3127. Royal institute of Philosophy,

3128. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor

3129. Royal Society Of London

3130. Rural Reconstruction

3131. Rural Sociology

3132. Russian for Everybody

3133. Russian Language

3134. Russian Language Abroad

3135. Russian Literature

3136. Russian Mathematical Surveys

3137. Russian Review

3138. Russian scientific and technical publications : accession list

3139. russkaya Literature

3140. Russkaya Rech

3141. RZH Literaturovedenie

3142. RZH Vazykoznanie Journal Of Russian Linguistics

3143. RZH Yazykoznanie

3144. Sachitra Ayurved

3145. Sadbhakti Prakasha

3146. Saddharmadeepa

3147. Sadhana

3149. Sagarika.

3150. Sahavichara

3151. Sahitya Amrit

3152. Sahitya Sandesh

3153. Sahitya suchi

3154. Sahityasangraha

3155. Sahyadri

3156. SAIM Journal On Numerical Analysis

3157. Sajjangad Masik Patrika

3158. SA Journal of Arnold Arboretum Harvard University

3159. Sakshatkar

3160. Sales and Marketing Management

3161. Sales tax cases

3162. Salt research and industry.

3163. Samaj prabodhan patrika

3164. Samaj Prabodhan Patrika

3165. Samaj Seva: The Journal of Social Welfare

3166. samalochak

3167. Samartha

3168. Sambalpur University Journal

3169. Sambalpur University Journal: Science and Technology

3170. Samdarshana

3171. Samiksa

3172. Samiksha loka

3173. Samishaka

3174. Sammelan Patrika

3175. Samriki : A Military Studies Journal

3176. Samshodhak

3177. Samvid.

3178. Sanatanshastram

3179. Sanchetana

3180. Sangeet Natak

3181. Sangeet Natak Akadami

3182. Sangeet Research Academy

3183. Sangita Kalavihar

3184. Sanjivani

3186. Sankhya

3187. Sankhya Indian Journal Of Statistics

3188. Sanmati

3189. Sansadiya Patrica .

3190. Sanskrit Chandrika

3191. Sanskrit Pratibha.

3192. Sanskriti

3193. Sanskritsahityaparishat.

3194. Santkrupa

3195. Saptasindhu

3196. Saraswati

3197. Saraswati Samvad

3198. Saraswati-Vihar

3199. Sargentia

3200. Sarhiya Jhankar

3201. Sarswatimandir

3202. Satyakatha

3203. Saudi Medical Journal

3204. Saugar University Journal pt I. Arts Section

3205. Sagar University Journal : Pt.II Science section( continued as Journal of the University of Saugar pt.II A and B) Saugar

3206. Scale

3207. Scandinavian Journal Of Statistics: Theory And Applications

3208. Scholastic Coach

3209. School Librarian and School Library Review

3210. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift

3211. Science

3212. Science Abstracts : Physics and electrical engineering [Title changed as Science Abstracts,  Section A - Physics]

3213. Science Abstracts, Section A - Physics [Formerly Science Abstracts and Electrical Engineering]

3214. Science and culture

3215. Science and culture: a journal of natural and cultural sciences

3216. Science and Industry

3217. Science Digest

3218. Science in USSR

3219. Science Journal

3220. Science News

3221. Science Progress

3222. Science progress: quarterly review of scientific thought work and affairs

3223. Science Service

3224. Science teacher

3225. Science Technology and Society

3226. Science Today

3227. sciences

3228. Sciencetech Bulletin

3229. Scientia

3231. Scientia Sinica

3232. Scientific American

3233. scientific American

3234. Scientific journals in India: a study of their characteristics

3235. Scientific monthly

3236. Scientific Opinion

3237. Scientific Reporter

3238. Scottish Geographical Magazine

3239. Scripta Hicrosolymitana

3240. Scripta Mathematica

3241. Scrutiny:a quarterly review

3242. Sdientifi survey of porto rico and virgin is lands

3243. Sechaba

3244. Secondary Education

3245. Sedimentology

3248. Selective List Of Articles On Co-operation And Allied Subjects

3249. Self-Realization

3250. Semiconductor Science & Technology

3251. Senckenbergiana Biologica

3252. Sensor And Actuators A : Physical

3253. Sensors and actuators A : Physical

3254. Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical

3255. Serials Librarian

3256. Servant

3257. Service Law Reporter

3258. Services Law Reporter: All India Monthly Journal Devoted to Law of Services

3259. Sewanee

3260. Sewanee Review

3261. Shakespeare Quarterly

3262. Shalapatrak [Formerly Known as Patha Shala Patraka]

3263. Sharada

3264. Sharda Pitha Pradipa

3265. Shilpa Sansar

3266. Shodh Patrika

3267. Shri Traimasik patrika.

3268. SIAM Journal On Applied Mathematics [Formerly Knowen As Journal of the Society For Industrial And Applied Mathematic

3269. SIAM Journal on Computing

3270. Sigcue Bulletin: A quarterly Publication of the Special Interest Group On Computer ScienceEducation

3271. Signal Processing

3272. Significance

3273. Signs

3274. SIGNS : Journal of Woman in Culture and Society

3275. Signum Newsletter: A Quarterly Publication of the ACMSpecial Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics

3276. Sigplan Notices

3277. Sikh

3278. Simulation

3279. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography

3280. Sitzung berichte der deutschen akademie der wissenshafte zuburun klasse fur chemie,geologie and biologie

3281. Sitzungsberichte Der Heidelberger Akademie Der Wissenschaften: lMathematischnaturwissenschaftliche Klasse

3282. Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift

3283. SKY And Telescope

3284. Smart materials and structures : systems from nano- tomacroscale

3285. Smart Materials & Stuctures

3286. Social Change

3287. Social Forces

3288. Social Health

3289. Social Order

3290. Social problems

3291. Social Research

3292. Social Science Abstracts : A quarterly on social science documentation [Title changed as Inter Discipline]

3293. Social Science and Medicine

3294. Social Science and Medicine

3295. Social Science Bibliography: India

3296. Social Science Information

3297. Social Sciences Index

3298. Social Sciences Research Journal : Quarterly journal of Punjab University

3299. Social Scientist

3300. Social Work Review

3301. Socialism Theory and Practice

3302. Socialist Congressman

3303. Societe d'etude du xviie Siecle

3304. Society of Automotive Engineers

3305. Sociological Abstracts

3306. Sociological Bulletin: The Journal of the Indian sociological Society

3307. Sociological methods and research

3308. Sociological Quarterly

3309. Sociological Review

3310. Sociology

3311. Sociology of Education

3312. Sociology Of Education Abstracts

3313. Software Engineering Notes: An Informal Newsletter of theSpecial Interest Group On Software Engineering

3314. Software: Practice and Experience

3315. Solar Energy

3316. Solid State Communications

3317. Solid State Technology

3318. South Asia economic journal

3319. South Asia Journal

3320. South Asia Research

3321. South Asia Social Science Abstracts

3322. South-Asian Anthropologist

3323. South Asian Language Review

3324. South Asian Social Scientist

3325. South Asian Studies

3326. South Asian Survey

3327. South Pacific Study

3328. Southern Asia social Science Bibliography

3329. Southern Review

3330. Soviet Journal of Developmental Biology

3331. Soviet Journal of Plasma Physics

3332. Soviet Literature

3333. Soviet Mathematics (Translation Of Doklady,c Academy of Science Of The USSR)

3334. Soviet Physics: Doklady

3335. Soviet Physics - JETP

3336. Soviet Review

3337. Soviet Sociology: A Journal Of Translations

3338. Soviet Statutes And Decisions

3339. Soviet Studies in Philosophy

3340. Soviet Woman

3341. Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics

3342. Sozialistische Monatshefte

3343. Space science reviesDordrecht

3344. Space science reviws dordrecht,Holland. reidel.

3345. Span

3346. Special Libraries

3347. Special Libraries: Official Journal

3348. Spectrochimica acta

3349. Speculum:a journal of mediaeval studies

3350. Sport and Pastime

3351. Sport-World

3352. Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities

3353. Srigondekar

3354. Srinvantu

3355. Srishtidnyana

3356. Sruti

3357. Stain Technology

3358. Stanford Law Review

3359. Standifches:Standifches leben

3360. State Bank of India Monthly Review

3361. Statist:journal of practical finance and trade.

3362. Statistica

3363. Statistica Neerlandica [Formerly Knowen as Statistica: organVan De Verniging Voor statistiek]

3364. Statistica: Organ Van De Verniging Voor Statistiek[Title Changed As Statistica Neerlandica]

3365. Statistical Newsletter

3366. Statistical Science

3367. Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts

3368. Statistician:Journal of The Institute Of Statisticians

3369. Statistics And Decisions: An International MathematicalJournal for Stochastic Methods And Models

3370. Statistics and Probability Letters

3371. Steel Review

3372. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications

3373. Stock Exchange Gazette

3374. Strategic Analysis : Articles on Current Developments

3375. Strategic Digest

3376. Strategic Survey

3377. Stree

3379. Strength And Health

3380. Student : International student magazine

3381. Student Librarian

3382. Students Quarterly Journal

3383. Studi international Di Filosofia

3384. Studia logica

3385. Studie in Comparative Commnism

3386. Studies

3387. Studies

3388. Studies: History

3389. Studies In Applied Mathematics [Formerly Knowen As Journal of Mathematics and Physics]

3390. Studies in Bibliography

3391. Studies in Buddhism

3392. Studies in Comparative Local Government

3393. Studies in English

3394. Studies in English Literature

3395. Studies in history

3397. Studies in Philosophy

3398. Studies in Political Science

3399. Studies in Public Administration

3400. Studies in the Renaissance

3401. Studies on the Soviet Union

3402. Stylops a Journal of Taxonomic entomology

3403. Subodha Patrika

3404. Suchika : Monthly index to periodical literature on social sciences and area studies

3405. Sud (Krishna Kanta)

3406. Studies in Romanticism

3407. Superconductor Science & Technology

3408. Supplement of the Progress of Theoretical Physics

3409. Supplement to Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers

3410. Supplement Il Nuovo Cimento:Cura Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica Serie Prima.

3411. Supplement to American Journal of International Law

3412. Supreme Court Cases

3413. Supreme Court Decisions

3414. Supreme Court Journal

3416. Supreme Court Reports: Containing Cases Determined by the Supreme Court of India

3417. Surface science: journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interface.

3418. Survey

3419. Survey of British and Commonwealth Affairs

3420. Survey of British and Commonwealth Affairs

3421. Survey Of Current Affairs

3422. Survey of Current Affairs

3423. Survival

3424. Susa

3425. Sushama

3426. Suvarnamala

3427. Suvicharasamagama

3428. Svensk botanisk tidskrift

3429. Sydowia Annales Mycologici

3430. Symposia of the Faraday society

3431. Synthesis

3432. Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry

3433. Synthesis: international jr. of methods in synthetic organic Chemistry

3434. Synthetic communications :{ international journal for rapid Communication of synthetic organic chemistry

3435. Systematic Entomology

3436. System : Journal for educational technology and language learning systems