3437. TABULAE biologicae

3438. Tadbhav

3439. Talanta :International Journal of analytical chemistry

3440. Tapovan Prasad

3441. Tarun Bharat

3442. Tata Quarterly

3443. Tattvadnyan Mandir

3444. Taxon

3445. Taxation: leading Authority On the Law, Practice and Administration of Taxation

3446. TCSSR Journal Of Abstracts And Reviews : Geography

3447. Teacher Education

3448. Teaching English : Journal of teachers of English in Scotland

3449. Teaching Political Science

3450. Teaching Politics

3451. Technical Bulletin of Registry of Medical Technologists

3452. Technocrat.

3453. Technology

3454. Technometrics: journal of statistics for the Physical, chemical and Engineering Sciences

3455. Telos

3456. Telos

3457. Tensor

3458. TEorie si practica economica

3459. Teratology

3460. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry

3461. Tetrahedron: international journal of organic chemistry

3462. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communication in organic chemistry.

3463. Texte Zur Deutschlandpolitik

3464. Theoretical Computer Science

3465. Theoria

3466. Theory and Decision

3467. Theory and Society

3468. Theory Culture & Society

3469. Theory Of Probability And Its Applications: An Entlish Translation of the Soviet Journal Teoriya Veroyatnosteiiee Primen

3470. Theosophical Movement

3471. Theosophical Movement: A Magazine Devoted to the Living of the Higher Life

3472. Theosophical Review

3473. Theosophical Review:

3474. Theosophical Review : [Formerly "Lucifer"]

3475. Theosophist

3477. Theory And Society: Renwal and Critique In Social Theory

3478. Thermochimica acta

3479. Thin Solid Films

3480. Third World quarterly

3481. Third world Quarterly

3482. Thought

3483. Thrombosis Et Diathesis Haemorrhagica

3484. Thrombosis Research

3485. Tibet Journal

3486. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie

3487. Time

3488. Time and Motion Study

3489. Timeless Fellowship

3490. Times Educational Supplement

3491. times Higher Education Supplement

3492. Times Literary

3493. Tirumala: Tirupati Devasthanam's Bulletin

3494. Tohoku Mathematical Journal

3495. Tool and Alloy Steels

3496. Topology: An International Journal of Mathemaics

3497. Torreya : monthly journal of botanical notes and news

3498. Tourism Recreation Research

3499. Town And Country Planning

3500. Trabajos De Estadistica

3501. Trade and Industry of Japan

3502. Transactions of New York of sciences

3503. Transaction of The Manchester Statistical Society Manchester

3504. Transactions Actuarial Society of America

3505. Transactions And Papers

3506. Transactions :Institute of Indian geographers

3507. Transactions of American Entomological Society

3508. Transactions of American Foundry men’s Society

3509. Transactions Of American Mathematical Society :Indices

3510. Transactions of American Mathematical Society

3511. Transactions of Entomological Society of London

3512. Transactions of Linnean Society of London

3513. Transactions of Literary Society of Bombay

3514. Transactions of national institute of sciences of India Delhi

3515. Transactions of New York academy of sciences

3516. Transactions of royal society of Edinburgh

3517. Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries

3518. Transactions of the faraday society

3519. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

3520. Transactions of The Manchester Statistical Society

3521. Transactions of the Philosophical Society

3522. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

3523. Transition metal chemistry: an international journal.

3524. Translations of Bose Research Institute

3525. Trends in Analytical Chemistry

3526. Trends In Genetics

3527. Trends in Plant Science

3528. Treubia

3529. Tribal Research Bulletin

3530. Tripathaga

3531. Triveni

3532. Tropical Diseases Bulletin

3533. Tssues and Studies

3534. Ttetrahedron:asymmetry

3535. Tulane Drama Review

3536. Tunevall Periodicals relevant to microbiology and immunology- a world list-1968

3537. Tutari

3538. Twentieth Century

3539. Twentieth Century

3540. U N Monthly Chronicle

3541. U. S. I. Journal

3542. Ulrich

3543. Ulrich's international periodicals directory

3546. Ultramicroscopy

3547. Understanding Science

3548.UNESCO and WHO

3549. UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries Title Changed As UNESCO Journal of Information

Science Librarianship]

3550. UNESCOChronicle

3551.UNESCO Journal of Information Science Librarianship [Formerly known as UNESCO

Bulletin for Libraries]

3552. UNESCO Official Bulletin

3553. Union List Of Social Science Periodicals Currently Received In Delhi Libraries

3554. United Asia

3555. United Nations Bulletin

3556. United Nations Weekly Newsletter

3557. Universities Quarterly

3558. Universities Quarterly

3559. Universities Review

3560. University Backgrounders

3561. University News

3562. University Of Ceylon Review

3563. University Of Rajasthan : Studies in Geography

3564. University of Rajasthan Studies in sanskrit and Hindi

3565. University of Rajasthan Studies in Sociology

3566. University Of Rajasthan Studies : Law

3567. University of Rajasthan Studies: Physical Sciences

3568. University of Rajputana Studies

3569. University of Rajputana Studies: Biological Studies

3570. University of Rajputana Studies : Physical sciences

including mathematics & engineering

3571. University of Roorkee Research Journal

3572. University of Udaipur Research Studies

3573. University Studies In Mathematics

3574. Universum:review of czechoslova litrature and art.

3575. Urban Anthropology

3576. Urban Geography

3577. Urban Studies

3578. Urdu-I-Mualla.

3579. Urmi

3580. US Bureau Of Standards Journal Of Research

3581. Use Of English

3582. USP AGE

3583. Utilias Mathematica:Canadian Journal Of Applied Mathematics,Computer Science And


3584. Uttara Bharati

3585. V.K.Rajwade Sanshodhan Mandal

3586. Vagartha

3587. Vagishwari

3589. Vaidyak :madhumeha visheshank

3590. Vaidyakpatrika

3591. Vaidyasammelan Patrika

3592. Vangamaya

3593. Vani

3594. Vaprosi Literatul

3595. Vardha.

3596. Vasanta

3597. Vedanta for East and West

3598. Vedanta Kesari

3599. Vedic Digest

3600. Vedic Magazine and Gurukula Samachar

3601. Vedic Path

3602. Vedic Path: Quarterly Journal of Vedic Indological And

Scientific Research

3603. Venkateshwara University Oriental Journal

3604. Verdi

3605. Victorian Poetry :Critical Journal of Victorian Literature

3606. Victorian Studies

3607. Vidnyanayuga

3608. Vidura

3609. Vidya

3611. Vidya :Journal

3612. Vidya: Journal of Gujarat University

3613. Vidya: Journal of Gujarat University

3614. Vidyana Parishad Anusandhan patrika[Research journal of the Hindi science Academy]

3615. Vidyasevak

3616. Vihangama

3617. Vijan Karmee: Journal of the association of scientific workers of India

3618. Vijavi Namdev

3619. Vijnana Parichaya

3620. Vikalpa

3621. Vikram

3622. Vikram:Journal of vikram University: Science

3623. Vina

3624. Virginia Journal of International Law

3625. Virginia Quarterly Review

3626. Vishal

3627. Vishava Sanskritam

3628. Vishavmbhara

3629. Vishleshan

3630. Vishva-Bharati Quarterly

3631. Vishva-Bharti journal of Philosophy

3632. Vishvajyoti

3633. Vishvavani

3634. Vishvavritta

3635. Visio: Dedicated to Universal Love and Service

3636. Visva-Bharati

3637. Visva-Bharati News

3638. Visva-Bharti Annals

3639. Vivek

3640. Vivekananda Kendra Patrika

3641. Vividha Dnyanvistara

3642. Vividha Jnana Vistar Lekha Suchi

3643. Vividhavritta

3644. Water air and soil pollution: International journal of environmental pollution.

3645. Water and Wastewater International

3646. Wealth of India

3647. Weekly Law Reports

3648. West Bengal

3649. Western Humanities review.

3650. Western Political Quarterly

3651. Wetlands ecology and management

3652. Wheat Disease News Letter

3653. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

3654. Wiener Medizinische Wochenscrift

3655. Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developemntal Biology

3656. Wilson library Bulletin

3657. Wireless Engineer and Experimental and Experimental Wireless

3658. Wireless World

3659. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschriff

3660. Women On The March

3661. Word: Journal of Linguistic Circle

3662. Workers Education

3663. Workforce

3664. World affairs : the journal of international issues

3665. World economy

3666. World English

3667. World Health Forum

3668. World Health : the magazine of the world health organization

3669. World List Of Social Science Periodicals

3670. World List Of Social Science Periodicals

3671. World Meteorological Organization Bulletin

3672. World Politics.

3673. World's Business

3674. World Scientist

3675. World Sports

3676. World Student News

3677. World Today

3678. World water and environmental engineering

3679. Worter and sachen:zeitschrift fur indogermanische sprachwissenschaft volksforschung and


3680. Writers Workshop: a miscellany of creative Writing

3681. Wonderful Models

3682. Yadnyavalkya

3683. Yale

3684. Yale

3685. Yale Law Journal

3686. Yashavant

3687. Yearly Digest of Indian and Select English Cases

3688. Yogakshema

3689. Yojana

3690. York Papers in Linguistics

3691. Young India

3692. Young Men's Hindu Association

3693. Yugaprabhat

3694. Yugawani

3695. Yugawani vidarbha sahitya sangh.

3696. Yugchetana

3697. Yuva Bharati

3698. Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik (Journal Of Applied Mathematics and


3699. Zeitschrift Fur Arztlich Fortbildung

3700. Zeitschrift Fur Geomorphologie(Annals Of Geomorphology

3701. Zeitschrift Fur Geomorphologie(Annals Of Geomorphology):supplement

3702. Zeitschrift Fur Indologie and Iranistik

3703. Zeitschrift Fur Physik

3704. zeitschrift fur vergleichende physiologie.

3705. Zeitschrift Fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete