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  • Core Courses
    1. History and its Theory.
    2. Evolution of Ancient Indian Ideas and Institutions.
    3. Maratha Polity.

  • Optional Courses (Any One)
    1. Cultural History of Maharashtra.
    2. Social Background of Dalit Movement in Maharashtra.
    3. U.S.A.: From Isolation to Hegemony.
    4. History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (Developments in the West).
    5. Gender and Indian History
    6. History of Environment and Ecology


  • Core Courses
    4. History and its Practice
    5. Evolution of Medieval Indian Ideas and Institutions.
    6. Socio-economic History of the Marathas

  • Optional Courses (Any One)
    7. Marathas in 17th and 18th Century Power Politics.
    8. Nature of Dalit Movement in Maharashtra.
    9. History of Science and Technology in India.
    10. Nationalism in Afro-Asian Countries.
    11. Economic History of Medieval India.
    12. Indian Women: Social Reality and Cultural Representations.


  • Core Courses
    7. Ancient and Medieval Cultures.
    8. History of India 1757-1857.
    9. Economic History of Modern India.

  • Optional Courses (Any One)
    13. Socio-religious Reform Movements in Modern South India.
    14. Maharashtra in the 19th Century: Structural Changes.
    15. British Administrative Policies In India, 1765-1892.
    16. History of Architecture in India.
    17. East Asia: China, 1900 – 2000
    18. History of Medieval Europe


  • Core Courses
    10. History of Modern India. (1857 – 1971)
    11. Intellectual History of the Modern
    12. World after World War II. (1945 – 1995)

  • Optional Courses (Any One)
    19. Nature of Transformation in 19th Century Maharashtra.
    20. Archival Studies.
    21. Urban History.
    22. East Asia: Japan, 1853 – 2000.
    23. Peasant Movements in India. (Medieval and Modern)
    24. Business History of India (1700 – 1947)
    25. Debates in History.

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