Home > Journal (Subscribed)

Journal (Subscribed)

Alphabetical list of Journals (Subscribed for the year 2008) for details please see OPAC

Acta Arithmatica

Adelphi Papers

Advances in applied probability

Advances in developing human resources


All England law reports


American economic review

American journal of sociology

American Literature

American Political science Review


Angwandte chemie

Annals of association of American geographers/professional geographer

Annals of Institute of statistical mathematics

Annals of probability

Annals of Statistics

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

Annual review of genetics

Annual review of Plant biology


Applied Optics

Applied and environmental microbiology

Aquatic Ecology

Asia pacific journal of human resources

Asian News Digest

Asian Survey

ASLIB Proceedings



Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics

Australian Geographer




British journal of social psychology

British journal of sociology

Bulletin Of Australian Mathematical Society

Bulletin of Calcutta statistical association

Bulletin of London Mathematical Society

Business Finance

Business Week

Canadian geographer

Cell Stem Cell


Clinical microbiology reviews

Cochin University Law Review

College and research libraries

Collnet Jou of Scientometrics and Inf Management

Communication research

Company law journal

Comparative sociology

Comparative studies in society and History

Computer music journal

Contributions to Indian sociology

Convergence : international jr. of adult education

Corporate law adviser

Corporate law cases

Criminal Law Journal

Critical inquiry

Critical quarterly

Cryptogamie Algologie

Current anthropology

Current History

Current Indian Statutes

Current opinion in biotechnology

current opinion in immunology

current sociology

DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf. Tech



Development and change

Developmental biology


Difference Bill of Law quarterly review

Differential equations & dynamical systems

Drama Review

Earth and Planetary Science letters

Economic and political weekly

Economic and social history review

Economic geography

Economic Geology

Economic journal + Econometrics

Ecotoxicology and environmental safety

Educational and psychological measurement

EMBO journal

Environmental Microbiology


European history quarterly

FEMS microbiology ecology

Geographical journal

Geographical review


Geological society of America bulletin


Geophysical research letters

Global business review

Government and Opposition

Ground Water

Harvard Business Review

Health Action

Heritage India

Historical research

History of human sciences

History on political thought

Historyand theory

ICFAI journal of corporate and securities law

ICFAI journal of governance and public policy

ICFAI journal of history and culture

ICFAI Journal of public administration

IEEE Annals of History of Computing

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering

IEEE transactions on software engineering

In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology

Indian journal of environmental protection

Indian journal of political science

Indian judgment reporter

Indian management magazine

Indira management review

Infection and immunity

Information Age

Information Processing Letters


International affairs

International Communication Gazette

International Information and Library Review

International journal of antimicrobial agents

International journal of Occupational and Environmental Health

International philosophical quarterly

International Security

International Studies

Journal of academic librarianship

Journal of American Statistical Association

Journal of Applied Microbiology

Journal of Applied Probability

Journal of bacteriology

Journal of business law

Journal of cell biology

Journal of chemical education

Journal of clinical microbiology

Journal of Commonwealth Literature

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Journal of Contemporary history

Journal of cross cultural psychology

Journal of Documentation

Journal of educational research

Journal of finance

Journal of Geological Society of India

Journal of graph theory

Journal of higher education

Journal of Indian Mathematical society

Journal of Indian Philosophy

Journal of Indian philosophy

Journal of Indian writing in English

Journal of Lib and Inf . Sci

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

Journal of library administration

Journal of library and information technology

journal of logic and computation

Journal of management

Journal of management accounting research

Journal of metamorphic geology

Journal of modern history

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

Journal of nuclear agriculture and biology

Journal of peasant studies

Journal of Philosophical Logic

Journal of philosophical logic

Journal of Plant Growth regulation

Journal of political economy

Journal of politics

Journal of quality technology

Journal of Royal Statistical Society Sr A

Journal of south east Asian studies

Journal of Transport Geography

Journal of tropical ecology

Journalism and Mass Communication Educator

Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly

Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs

Journal of Phycology

Journal of Geology

Journal of money credit and baking





Lancet Infectious diseases

Law Quarterly review

Learning environments Res

Letters in Applied Microbiology

Library Administration and Management

Library Herald

Library Quarterly

Library trends


Lifetime Data Analysis

LISA (Database)



Man in India

Management and labour studies

Marathi Samshodhan Patrica


Media culture and society

Medical Anthropology Quarterly

Medicinal and aromatic plants abstracts

Medieval history journal


Michigan Mathematical Society


Microbiology and molecular biology

Military Review

Military Balance


Modern Drama

Modern Fiction Studies

Monthly commentary on Indian economic conditions


National Geographic


Nature Physics

New Biotechnology (Bimolecular Engineering)

New England Journal of Medicine

New Left Review

New Literary History

New Phytologist

New theatre quarterly


Optics Letters

Pal Pratipal


Participative development

Perspective on politics

Personality and individual differences

Perspectives in Education

Perspectives in Education

Philosophical quarterly

Philosophical Studies

Philosophical studies

Philosophy & phenomenological research

Philosophy east and west


Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants


Plant cell biotechnology and molecular biology

Plant physiology /Plant cell

PMLA Papers

Political Science

Political studies

Political Studies Review

Political theory



Population development review

Population space and place

Population studies

praxis deutsch

proceedings of Aristotelian society

Program : electronic library and information systems

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Review

Psychological studies

Quarterly economic report

Quarterly journal of economics

Sahitya amrit

Sales and marketing management

Samaj Prabodhan patrika

Samakaleen Bharatiya Sahitya




Scandinavian Journal of Statistics


Science , technology and society

Science and culture

SEBI & corporate laws

Sensors and Actuators A+ B

Shakespeare Quarterly

Social science and medicine

Social scientist

Sociological methods and research

Sociological quarterly

Sociology of education

solar energy

South Asia economic journal

South Asia research

South Asian survey



Statistics and probability letters

Strategic Survey


Studies in history

Studies of Tribes and Tribal

Supreme Court Cases

Supreme Court Journal

Supreme court case finder database (database)


Theory and society

Theory culture and society

Transactions of British geographers

University Press

Urban history

Vivaran patrika


Water and wastewater international

Wetlands ecology and management

World Economy

World water and environmental engineering

Zeitschrift Fur Geomorphologie

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