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Developement of Course Management System.


Dhananjay Bhole
Advanced Technology Blind Student's Learning Centre,
Department of Education and Extension,
University of Pune.

Project Interns:

  • Miss. Ujvala Bari
      Student of MCA,
      Department of Computer Science,
      North Maharashtra University,
  • Miss. Chaitrali Bapat
      Student of MCA,
      Department of Computer Science,
      North Maharashtra University,
  • Mr. Javed Ali Shaikh
      Project fellow,
      Advanced Technology Blind Student's Learning Centre,
      Department of Education and Extension,
      University of Pune.

Project Consultant:

  • Mr. Sachin Zope
      Senior Software Engineer,
      Persistent Systems Ltd.Pune.


The project entitled CMS is developed for the purpose of solving the educational problems of visually impaired students. One of the common problems associated with Visually impaired students is unavailability of study material in accessible format. The another problem is to conduct their exams and provide them writers. to solve these problem we have developed a web base application called course management system for the centre. This system provides perfect educational administration solution for educational institutions where number of visually challenged students is large. The system allows academic administrators to provide study material in electronic format, to submit online practical assignments, to conduct online exams, provide online notice board and instructions, and many more. Thus the system provides total educational accessibility solution for visually challenged students as well as educational institutions.
There are four modules with increasing order of authority viz Student , Evaluator, Administrator and Online Examination.


The account for enrolled students is created by administrator and Login_id, password is provided for security reasons. Student can just go to their account and the books related to the course they are enrolled for ,are available at their own account. Student can read through these books with the help of JAWS(Screen reader) and can attempt the examination online whenever the exam is scheduled. Also student can go through the list of assignments allotted to them during the semester with last date of submission and student has to submit these assignments in the due date. Notices for the student can also be displayed at their own account.


Evaluator account has more authorities than student account. Evaluator is authorized to login to their account and manually go through the assignments submitted by the students. Check those assignments and submit the result of checking to the student account. The login for the evaluator is also authorized by the administrator . Administrator has the highest authorities associated with him. The enrollment of student is done by the administrator only after verification of the documents of the enrolling student. The major responsibility of administrator is to assign login_id and password to the enrolled student and evaluator. Also the administrator is the only person having the authority to update the student account timely and regularly