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Courses Offered

Presently we are providing short term courses to needy people including visually challenged students as well as normal people who are related to education of visually challenged people.

Need is individualized by analyzing requirement and course for admitting person or group of persons is designed accordingly by our expertise under the two schemes.

Educational rehabilitation scheme:

This scheme is initiated by our centre for the students who met with dissability accidentally
result of which they could not complete their education.

We analyze such cases and try to find solutions to their problems. Their need is identified and courses are designed accordingly by our expertise. In such courses, they are trained to use assistive devices for independent working and after these special courses they are encouraged to continue their education.

Students can also contact for any special or advance training of computer science at any time in academic year. Their need is individualized and courses are designed accordingly for them in special circumstances.

Teacher preparation scheme for special education:

The scheme is initiated by university grants commission in 1998 under the 9th educational plan for creating awareness among teachers of integrated schools and colleges.

We are implementing this scheme for our teachers by organizing teacher training program, various seminars and workshops etc for school teachers and colleges of Pune university jurisdiction. We also provide special short term crash courses or part time courses to teachers according to their need.

For any information of such courses, please contact to our office.
The centre has started a Part time "Certificate Course in Basic Computing and Assistive Technology Learning(CBCATL)" especially for visually challenged.