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Certificate Course in Basic Computing and Assistive Technology Learning(CBCATL)


H.S.C. passed or appeared, person learning any of the colleges or institutions of Pune university jurisdiction are eligible, other university students are also entertained if seats remained vacunt.


Six months.

Total seats:



Rs 300 only

Course commencement:

Every Year in June And January.

Course description:

Computer aided assistive technology has brought revolution in the life of visually challenged people. They can operate computers effectively using computer screen reader. Still visually challenged students of India have poor performance in formal education in colleges and universities. The main reason behind this is unawareness among students and academicians about the potential use of assistive technology in education. The students have to depend on others for their study and other educational activities because they lack knowledge of use of assistive devices. The basic objective of introduction of the course is to increase accessibility of overall educational system to visually challenged students by training them for the use of computer as all course material can easily be available in electronic format. The course will provide insight knowledge of use of computer aided assistive technology devices and its application in education. It will enable all visually challenged pstudents of any discipline to make them independent in not only education but also in their career. The course will also give knowledge of application of computer to visually challenged people in various fields and day to day life activities which will enrich their life. visually challenged students persuing any regular degree or deploma course can study the course parallelly along with their degree course to which they are enrolled. The course will also be beneficial to parents of visually challenged students, their teachers and people working for welfair of visually challenged.

Click here for Registration.

Click here for Syllabus.