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Accessibility Features

  • Quick access to the core content on the page is provided without going through repetitive navigation using the keyboard.

  • Quick access to the Navigation pane is provided that enables accessing the different sections, such as Citizens, Government, and Directories.

  • Options to change the size of the text, set a color scheme and increase the text spacing are provided.

  • Text has been supplemented with icons to enable users with learning disabilities understand the information easily. Icons have been provided along with text labels for key navigation options as well as important features, such as print, email etc.

  • Drop-down menus have been used to display the top navigation options and expand/collapse lists have been used to display the left navigation options across the website. Keyboard users can access the top navigation and left navigation options in the following manner:

  • Press the Tab key to navigate to the drop-down menu options, such as About Us, Meet the Ministers etc. Press Enter to Show/Hide the drop-down menu options and press the Tab key. Along with Tab key, screen reader user can access the drop-down menu options using the arrow keys. Further press the Enter key to activate the required option.

  • Press the Tab key to navigate the left navigation options, such as Schedule cast welfare, Welfare of backward classes etc. Press Enter to Open/Close the list and access the expanded list using either the Tab or Arrow keys.

  • Brief description of a link is provided using descriptive phrases instead of just using words such as 'Read more' and 'Click here' as link text.

  • Information about alternate file types, such as PDF, Word, Excel along with the file size has been provided within the link text to help users identify the same For example, if a link opens a PDF file, the link text specifies its file size and file type.

  • The Web page content is organized using appropriate headings and subheadings that provide a readable structure. H1 indicates the main heading, whereas H2 indicates a subheading. For example, the left Navigation pane has been given a heading as Information About.

  • An appropriate name for each Web page is specified that helps you to understand the page content easily.

  • Brief description of an image is provided for users with visual disability. If you are using a browser that supports only text or have turned off the image display, you can still know what the image is all about by reading the alternate text in absence of an image.

  • A label is linked to its respective control, such as text box, check box, radio button, and drop-down list. This enables the assistive devices to identify the labels for the controls on a form.

  • Consistent means of navigation and style of presentation throughout the Website has been incorporated.

  • The website can be browsed using a keyboard by pressing the Tab and Shift + Tab keys.