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Innovation (SANSHODHAN - Online)


University of Pune has initiated many Innovative Academic Programmes in recent past. Providing financial assistance through Board of College and University Development (BCUD) to the teachers to undertake Programmes at University and college level, is one of them. Under this Programme teachers are provided financial assistance to the tune of Rs.50,000/- to 3,00,000/- for the period of two years. The purpose of such an endeavor is to inculcate research environment college level and help teachers at University level to meet their specific needs. Overwhelming response has been obtained from the college teachers and as many 327 research projects were approved in the year 2006-07.However,it was felt that it in necessary to evaluate the progress of the work done and also provide guidance for researchers about the research methodology. In spite of following a traditional method of obtaining reports of work done and evaluate them passively, an idea was proposed to organize a Two Day Conference of the teachers at University level. The purpose of the conference is to take a stock of the situation and understand the over all progress made by various researchers in different disciplines. This would share their views with other colleagues and Experts. This activity would emerge as a platform for academic interaction and an opportunity for knowing about the latest happenings in different areas.hence,Innovation-2007 is being launched which is a conference first of its kind organized at university level. The idea is to continue this activity in future and would be organized at different colleges under University of Pune.

We have received a tremendous response from the teachers and as many as 350 abstracts are received and the total number of teachers participating would be about500.It is very heartening to note that the teachers from other University have also expressed their desire to participate in this activity. It shows the potential and need of such an activity at the University level. I wish to put on record the encouragement provided by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Narendra Jadhav, the members of management council, members of research committee, non-teaching staff of the University, participating teachers and the teaching associates who are helping us in organizing this conference. I specifically would like to mention the efforts taken by Dr. K. C. Mohite, Organizing Secretary, Dr. Anil Lachke, and all members of the organizing & co-ordination committee of the conference. I wish that this activity grows in future and provides a vibrant and dynamic platform for academic exchange.

The Board of College and University Development (BCUD), University of Pune appeals to the teachers to avail this opportunity to share your achievements with teaching and research community. This conference is specially organized for Pune University and college teachers. The aim of the conference is to felicitate the interaction amongst the teachers and also to provide an opportunity to evaluate their work. Aim is to update researchers on various aspects of research methodology.


Plenary lectures describing the state of the art in various disciplines such as economics for poverty reduction in India, Science Education in India, Research methodology

Oral and Poster presentation

Exhibition of recent upcoming technologies


  • Science
    Physical Sciences
    Chemical Sciences
    Mathematical Sciences
    Life Sciences etc.

  • Engineering
    Architecture etc.

  • Arts, Mental, Moral & Education
    Social Sciences
    Fine arts etc.

  • Pharmacy
    Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Pharmacognosy etc.

  • Commerce and Management
    Management etc.

  • Interdisciplinary
    Social Sciences



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